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Things To Be Thankful For

Postby Worship Leader » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:57 pm

1. Salvation that comes from believing in God's only Son Jesus Christ and his death on the cross
2. The blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses me from all my sin
3. God's love
4. God's grace
5. God's forgiveness
6. God's mercy
7. God's peace
8. God's healing
9. God's protection
10. God's Holy Spirit
11. God's rest
12. The music gift that God alone gave me
13. The Gideon Ministry
14. My hometown church called Promise Of Life Worship Center
15. Christianity Oasis Website
16. The family I have at Christianity Oasis Website
17. The music ministry calling
18. God supplies all of my needs
19. God's anointing
20. God does not give me what I do deserve, but gives me what I don't deserve
21. The ability to minister to others while drawing them to Christ through music
22. God gets me through each day, through the trials, the tribulations and the storms
23. God never leaves me nor forsakes me
24. God carries me through each and every day
25. God's word
26. Every blessing God sends my way
27. God through Jesus Christ by his Holy Spirit is a friend who sticks closer than a brother
28. God puts food on my table
29. God brought me out of darkness
30. God puts money in my pocket
31. God put shoes on my feet
32. God makes a way when there seems to be no way
33. God never lets go of me even when I let go of him at times
34. God leads me into all truth by his Holy Spirit and his word
35. God prepared a place for me in heaven
36. God corrects me when I mess up and I get out of his will
37. God gives me new songs in my heart
38. God never gives up on me
39. God wakes me up in the morning to a new day
40. God meets me where I am at every time
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Worship Leader
Posts: 32
Location: Thibodaux, Louisiana
Marital Status: Waiting on God

Re: Things To Be Thankful For

Postby Dora » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:01 pm

Very cool! :)

*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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