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Planting seeds for the future

Postby ciny » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:11 pm

Planting Seeds for the future

This story was on the back of our church bullitin wanted to share it here with you all

Determine by God's grace to plant seeds of Goodness!

Philip Lovejoy told the story.I shall never
forgeta jeep ride I had in early 1955 when
a lumber merchant drove me up MT.Cushman
in vermont.Near a mountian top I noticed some
some six-inch decidous seedlings.i asked when
they would be good for lumber and he said,in

'' Since that was far beyond his span of years,
I asked why he planted the treexsand he replied
Because my grandfather planted some on the other
side of the mountian for me.

I learned a lesson from that story.Even though
i live each day to the fullest,I need to consider
what iam planting for the future .If i live in obediance
to God's word iam planting an example for my
Grandchildren and others to follow.

Psalms 1tells us ,those who find delight in Gods word
and meditate on it are like trees planted by the
streams of water.They donot wither,but yield fruit
and prosper

In Hebrews we read of those who rejected God's
discipline in their lives and plant roots of bitterness
They become trouble- makers who defile all those
around them.

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree
...Those thatbe planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God.They shall
still bring forth fruit in pld age ...To shew that the
Lord is upright;he is my rock,and there is no un
righteousness in him (Psalms 92:12-15)

Lets detremine by God's grace to plant seeds of
godliness around usthat will produce a harvest
of blessings in the lives of others long affter we are gone.
Paul j.Twist
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Re: Planting seeds for the future

Postby goldieluvs » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:47 pm

amen! thanks for sharing
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