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And Jesus "hung" out with who ?

Postby vahn » Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:38 am

Ok , so it is of no sense if all the med students , upon getting their doctorates just to keep "hanging" out with other doctors only , right ? Maybe that is why I always didnt see me becoming a doctor either , my "thing" was , "Who wants to be surrounded by sick people all the time ?" :roll: . So , as if it made any more sense in wanting to be a lawyer just to be able to hang out with criminals all the time . (besides , that would be too much of a competition for them anyway) *Whistle* .

Ok , ok .... My point ... or view ... opinion .. or whatever it is that people are calling it nowadays , ( oh , here .. "judgement" :roll: )

No , I don't think our Lord associate himself with your run of the mill "sinners" (using generality) . He associated Himself with the sinners "WHO DID NOT WANT TO BE AS SUCH NO MORE" ... He only associated Himself with the ones who were willing to accept the New Life our Lord had to offer . In other words , the sinners He came in contact with .. STOPPED living their old life FIRST , THEN He associated with them and NOT before . The ones who refused , got rebuked and "went away grieving heavily" .

Oh , by the way , Scribes and Pharisees were highly esteemed "men of God" - "none-sinners" to some and CHIEF SINNER to others (PAUL was a pharisee) . Except for Nichodemus , a pharisee wanting to find out about TRUTH , how many of them did our Lord chill-out with ??

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:55 pm

No , I don't think our Lord associate himself with your run of the mill "sinners" (using generality) . He associated Himself with the sinners "WHO DID NOT WANT TO BE AS SUCH NO MORE" ... He only associated Himself with the ones who were willing to accept the New Life our Lord had to offer . In other words , the sinners He came in contact with .. STOPPED living their old life FIRST , THEN He associated with them and NOT before

Hello Vahn,

Im afraid I dont agree with that part of ur post.

How many of us still live parts of our lives the way we used to before we accepted Jesus? Do we all not still sin?

He came to heal the sick. All of the sick.

[quote] you don't have to have it all together, all your junk
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Postby deetu » Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:48 pm

I believe that because of all the signs and miracles, sinners were drawn to Jesus and were willing to accept His word because of them.
People would come from all over, bringing their sick and oppressed so Jesus could heal them, then He would talk about the Father.
People would see the miracles and then hear the truth.

[quote]I had a very wise Pastor tell me, you don't have to have it all together, all your junk
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Postby vahn » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:24 pm

One thing I like best about the Word , is that , one can find a verse ...or two .. in ANY situation that would suit the state of mind we are in the moment , whether it be in agreement , debate or even argument , and none of which is , of course is any of my intent , I am simply putting this here in order for me to let others know where I am in my walk , and not necessarily of course negating what others' views are , although however , I do agree with ALL of the replies so far , and I do appreciate the input . But .. sad to say .. I don't see anything that is connected with what I am trying to relay . I guess I just have to learn some other language or something .

There is NO Way , Jesus came and still comes in contact with today , that their lives will remain the SAME , whether it be sinner -none sinner -slow poke- or super speed geniuses - or whether it takes them a split second to realize that fact or a hundred years .

The key to this whole message that I myself received , is about the conscious decision that was made AFTERWARDS (After the initial contact... that is whether by sight , by "feel" , or just a simple literary knowledge of Him ) .

"Shake the dust off your garment and MOVE ON"

Why did He advise us to do that ?

In Christ our Lord
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Postby Lani » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:18 pm

Ya know....

I wasn't gonna post but.... who am I to refuse God's gentle guidance.

Is there unity in "calling others out"?

First, Vahn have you any scripture to support this opinion? I can wait as long as it takes for you to find such.... in the Bible.

Speak out of the LOVE our Lord has given uc and leave opinion to the choice for dinner, that is a safer bet in this walk. Please know, you remain in my prayers and if ya wish a sis to talk to, I am here.

The rest is meant for ALL who read this and are left to wonder.

Now.... let us consider your opinion:
vahn wrote:"the sinners He came in contact with .. STOPPED living their old life FIRST , THEN He associated with them and NOT before .

[color=darkred][b]Stopped living their old life first.... ummmmmm

Why then would Jesus have said:

John 8:11
"... go, and sin no more"

Following your opinion... then she would have stopped sinning first before Jesus would forgive such and speak to her... yet only then to turn and say "sin no more"...

Then of course, there is the Samaritan woman at the well, whom he spoke to in John 4 who was far from sinless yet He released her and later healed an officer's son simply through God's Will... saying 48 Unless you people see signs and wonders,
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Postby Tam » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:23 pm

Where is grace? We are all sinners saved by grace. If he wanted nothing to do with us before we where clean then why the cross?
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand

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Postby vahn » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:03 pm

I bought this beautiful lamp one day , dimmer .. brightness control , and even had an optional sensor that you can set it to the sound of music .... it was a prototype at the time , and with all the different types of bulbs it took ... besides being "Pricy" , it took about two days for me just to read the instructions before I could even open the box .

About a week later , after all the readings , installations and all , like a proud daddy of a sort I reach for the switch and ... nothing !!

The light came on after plugging the unit into the Power Source ...
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Postby Guest » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:27 pm

Jesus of Nazareth came from the HOOD. Thats right I said it.

Even today Nazareth is consider a ghetto, and in His day the lowly and
the oppressed, the poor and defeated all were His fellow citizens.

We have all read the relevant scripture, He spoke to *His people*, their
status immaterial, in fact, He preferred them!

In the analogy above however I see words He was not interested in like
"Pricey" and having all the bells and whistles, in other words, the very
people who didn't know Jesus, didn't want to know Jesus, and were happy

Electric shock therapy was not His style. He had more grace then that.

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Postby Lani » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:44 pm

*Amen2* Grace and the Cross *ohyeah* TY Lord!

"Like a proud daddy"

Ahhhhhhhhh Pride.... fickle beast, huh?

Awesomeness of our Lord..... even if we seem "unplugged"


TY Lord, for Grace, Mercy, Peace, Understanding and LOVE... NONE of which we deserve but all of which are Given, by your Will alone.

*hug5* Y'all

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

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Postby vahn » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:04 pm

May our Lord bless you all . :)
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