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God is no respecter of persons

Postby morningrain » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:57 am

I'm sure many of us here have heard these before...

Moses stuttered.
David's armor didn't fit.
John and Mark was rejected by Paul.
Timothy had ulcers.
Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
Jacob was a liar.
David had an affair.
Solomon was too rich.
Abraham was too old.
David was too young.
Peter was afraid of death and denied Christ three times.
Lazarus was dead.
John was self-righteous.
Naomi was a widow.
Paul was a murderer, so was Moses.
Jonah ran from God.
Miriam was a gossip.
Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
Elijah was burned out.
John the Baptist was a loudmouth.
Martha was a worry-wart.
Samson had long hair.
Noah got drunk.
Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse? So did Peter, Paul--well, lots of folks did.

The point i'd like to make is, God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Have you ever considered that we also should not be no respecter of persons either, as our Heavenly Father is no respector of persons? We don't know whom God has chosen and for what. The next person you meet, may be dressed in dirty rags, drunk and stumbling into others, causing a mess. Or maybe its some who is shy and scared to death of being around crowds of people, depressed and suicidul. You may never know but they may be another Peter, Paul, a Martha or another Jeremiah to come along that God has chosen, for He is no respecter of persons. God may have called you to reach out to these very ones that when time comes they themselves also will be able to reach out to others.

God Bless
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