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Like A Tree

Postby Bloodstone » Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:08 pm

Like a Tree
Proclamation based on :
Psalm 1 v2-3
My delight is in the law of the LORD and on that law I choose to meditate day and night and so I am like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, I will yield fruit in due season and my leaves will not wither..and what I do will prosper.
So no matter what is going on, I can choose to be focused on who GOD is..

Beloved, think of trees you have seen. Some are large, some are small, some have smooth trunks, some rough. All are created just as they are. Each one unique, even within a species of trees there are differences. So it is with My children. Each one created with a different purpose. But put together, seen together as an orchard or forest, lovely to behold.
Trees are shaped by many things. Strong wind, or persistent wind will actually cause a tree to be shaped differently than if the same tree was growing where there was no wind. A lack of water will stunt a tree, or even cause parts of it to die. Pruning, removing the dead or diseased parts will cause new life to spring forth.
What if, Precious you knew that every thing, every single thing that has ever happened or will happen in your life will be used to show forth my glory? Not just for others either for YOU as well. What if the stuff
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