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Great Jesus

Postby Ivan » Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:09 am

Recently,some unpleasant things happened to me.I was betrayed by some close people I know.It wasn't big thing..more something little,not important too worry a lot about it but that hurt me cos injustice.

I was mad but I've done nothing to fix it.I let it go...with some bad words spoken :)

After some time,about two weeks things get known as injustice in all my surrounding and people around me knew whole thing..I was still,doing nothing to fix it..people started to feel bit guilty cos they've seen that it was wrong..I was still again..

At the end injustice was fixed..but how?

Not in the way I could want(maybe some little revenge *laughter* ),not in the way that someone was humiliated...everything is settled down in the best manner of God,with truth and justice at the end.

I was surprised how God is Cool(if I may say so),what a gentleman!!

It seems that He really know every step we make inside and out side us.All our worries and problems,even little ones..small ones..the smallest ones..every thing.. :)

Great is the Lord!

My anger and worries were for nothing...Jesus always fix it!

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Postby Deepsi » Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:25 am

Brother Ozziah ... *hugs*

Thank you so much for sharing this. This may be cliche' to say, but this is exactly what I needed to hear. I woke up in the middle of the night grinding my teeth in anger, wanting to plot out someone's ruin. Dramatic? I'm sure it sounds that way ... *laughter*

I was betrayed in a horrendous way this year (it's becoming comical to me nowadays because it's sooo melodramatic sounding, something you'd watch in a bad romance movie). When the initial hurt happened, I did nothing about it, but allow the anger to fester in me.

I still have my moments where I am eaten alive (like this morning) because I just want to take justice and vengeance into my own hands (especially when my perpetrator continues to hurt me), but my gosh, he's got NOTHING on the Almighty--AMEN?! God is totally in control. All the worrying, all the fear, all the daydreaming about revenge (let's be honest: we do it) ... it's sooo unnecessary! Christ came and bought us FREEDOM so that we might live in FREEDOM. Why live in that bondage of anger?

Thanks again, bro! :)
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Postby Ivan » Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:00 pm

Ty Deep,I am glad you get what you needed in this post,it is His will anyway.

I am really wondering what's gonna be that ONE special day when He is about to come.Hope that we will smile then *laughter*

I am bit too sharp with ppl sometimes but Jesus is telling me to forgive every time when something bad happen.

Best wishes sister! *Guitar*

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