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honk...ooops lol I mean birds..again

Postby foreverHis » Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:26 am

matthew 6.26

With geese, their relationship is "till death do us part".They take it seriously.
They are fully commited. Wghen the toughness of time or circumstances make it impossible for a bird to continue the trip and begins to lose altitude or fails to keep up with the formation, the gaggle provides it with comfort, nurture and protetion.

Two strong geese leave the formation, flying with the 'patient" safely between them, find a sheltered location with food and water and make a home for the needy bird.
They will stay with that one until it recovers or dies, before joing another formation. For them, everything goes 'on hold' to care for another bird.

What an example of christ like relationship and self sacrificing love

1 Cor 12:24 - 26 if one part suffers, every part suffers...
be kind to each other..we never know when we will need to draw from love, kindness give and it will be returned to you in your time in need
If a gaggle of birds can do it..surely we can

Love your neighbour as yourself..when word gets out that we love one another in this way..they will beat down the walls in our churches to get in ..... :)
love ya's
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