Christianity Oasis Forum

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Postby Ivan » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:27 pm

Hello dear friends

I was always wondering what does it mean to walking into shadow of something..any spirit..thought..idea..or like it.

Into last few months of my life I am walking into desert of my soul..nothing there..nothing much.I see nothing good if I take a look around..emptines only.

Of course,there are always people which will make me sad and angry but they are not what I am looking for :)

If I take deeper look into my heart I see Jesus talking same old thing which seems bored a bit..walking trough emptines makes man bit nervous and tired and that's why everything seems bit boring and uninteresting,but in those moments I can cleary see that teaching of Jesus
is water in desert.

Every of us have weak points in personality and that's normal..cos otherwise we would be perfect and as I can is all on us..we will continue to walk with saviour or we'll surrender,give up..

It is so easy to give up,to say "I am tired" or like it,but what is the point into it?

Our dear Lord is great,great teacher and great friend but He is asking His followers to be great sadness,pain,joy ..everything in life.

It is not easy to walk with God always :)

Now I see how weak I am,how stronger I should be and how good is God cos He's so patient with this unperfection like I am :)

Thank you Jesus for your patience and please Lord..don't let me down cos I'll try..I'll try my best..and I'll make it..with You.

I know it..cos I won't surrender and You won't let me day we'll be One-United!

Glory to Jesus

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Postby realtmg » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:49 pm


Thanks Bro.

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