Christianity Oasis Forum

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wait patiently for the Lord

Postby foreverHis » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:35 pm

Even the strongest person gets tired at times, but, God's power and strength is an ever ending supply...they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they rise up as wings of eagles,
He is never too tired or busy to help and listen.

His strength is our scource of strength...
when you feel things are crushing you and you feel you cannot go on, call upon the Lord to renew your strength..

Waiting on the Lord is the patient expectation that God will fulfill His promises in His word and strengthen us to rise above life's difficulties.

It means to completly trust God.

Not always easy to do....but as you grow in Him, you will find you are leaning more on Him and less on self..

love ya's all
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