Christianity Oasis Forum

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How does one get saved?

Postby saint701 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:37 pm

Hello All!


How does one get saved? I am sure we all were led to the Lord by one form of prayer or another. It dawned on me this morning that of all my posts I've never put one up to lead the lost home. So,...I am going to post on here the prayer I prayed to the Lord way back in 1979, and invite you to remember and post what it was that you prayed. Hope you will jump in.

My dearest Lord Jesus. I truly do not know how to believe in you for salvation at this time after all of horrible things that I have done, but as Abraham believed though his body was dead for the impossible, so I believe in you. I come to you as you hang dying on the cross for my sins Lord Jesus. I ask you to receive me into yourself, into your very death on the cross. I see myself dying in you. I ask that I be in you in your sufferings, your death, your life, and resurrection. Give me new life my Lord this day. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Make me anew and alive in you.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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