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Postby saint701 » Wed May 26, 2010 1:18 pm

Hello All,


Am just getting started here, and will post and most likely have to log off for a while, but what do you all think is meant in our lives as Christians by the resistance factor? I just ask you to consider how such might be applied in your physical lives and take a look how also the same might be true of our spiritual growth and development. What do you think?

L,ICJ, Saint701.
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The Resistance Factor

Postby saint701 » Wed May 26, 2010 6:28 pm

Hello All,


Resistance is a force that tends to oppose or retard motion. As I was learning to read growing up I found that when reading textbooks they inherently, it seemed, had a "high" resistance factor to me learning the material in them. Ha! But when I read a novel or comic book that same resistance factor was not in play. I found that in order for me to comprehend the textbook material I had to FORCE my mind to grow by adding the unknown vocabulary to my understanding, and applying it in context of the material.

During physical education class I learned that I could master 10 pull ups, 50 sit ups, and 20 push ups with ease, but met severe resistance when trying to do more. I learned that in order to do more pull ups, push ups, and sit ups, I had to make my muscles grow to accommodate the strain.

I call such the resistance factor. And, as evident as it is in the physical, it is even more so in the spiritual. Resistance to our spiritual efforts can be encountered many ways. I am sure you all have stories of such, and would like to encourage you to share them here, and what you did in order to overcome the "resistance factor."

L, ICJ, Saint701.
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Postby momof3 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:54 pm

heya Saint..God bless you!

One of the "spiritual Resistant factors' ive come across in my daily walk with the Lord is in reading and studying His word. I would read before i went to sleep at night and would often fall asleep before finishing a chapter.

In prayer one day the Holy Spirit said "girl, why dont you get up an hour earlier and read then'? So, in praying the Lord would give me a love and desire for His word, I'd set my clock to wake an hour ealier in the mornings. Over a matter of a few days, i would wake without the alarm clock, grab my coffee and my bible and head outside...watching the sun come up and sharing that time with the Lord in His word and in prayer..just communing with Him before the hectic day starts has become the MOST important and looked forward to time of the whole day!!

Now, this is just me...but im sure there are many many different ways the Lord reveals ways to overcome the resistance factors we face in our walks with Him.

love you all so very much *hug*

God bless you alls. Jesus loves you oh so much!

in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Hello Momo!

Postby saint701 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:39 pm

Hello Momo, All,


Thanks Momo for your gracious reply. What a great blessing it is when the Lord gives us His personal direction when encountering "the resistance factor." When He speaks to us directly, giving us His wisdom to guide us, He also gives us His grace to act as He has directed. What a marvelous Lord and Savior He is!!!

Thanks Momo for sharing your beautiful testimony of our Lord's deep and everlasting love for us.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
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