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Postby baileyblack09 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:50 pm

Okay, sooooo.. I have a question. How come I get so mad over nothing? Like one thing get's me mad then it's just like everything else makes it worse. Am I going crazy?
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Postby mlg » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:12 pm

Nope your not going crazy sis...your just letting emotions overtake you. Check out this study on anger management, I think it might help you. ... gement.htm

luv ya sis
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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:40 am

Nopers Bailey you're not going crazy, I agree with mlg in that its an emotional issue.

Another option is to go to the Word using biblegateway or some other online bible search and do key word searches, this will help you access what God's Word says about any one particular subject.

I would be more than happy to walk thru this with you if you like. I also struggled (and still do from time to time) with anger. Feel free to pm me.

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Postby momof3 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:49 am

heya bailey, sis.

God bless you!

ya know, yesterday was a really tricky day for me. It was the 5th year anniversary, for lack of a better term, of my mom's passing. I woke up thinking about it. I prayed half-heartedly about it to the Lord and got out of bed not putting on my armor. As the day went on...(these thoughts still in the back of my mind and my not really focusing on the good part of her going home, but just kinda pushing the thoughts back) as the day went on, one small thing after another kept piling on. These were just every day little things.....then i get a not so nice phone call followed by a very emotional trial, and wham!!! im thinkin...the whole world has gone mad..or is it just me???

The enemy knows us very well. He knows what triggers to pull and where to send the bullets. He knows where old hurts are and knows if he can whisper things to us and try to get to those places, he is certain to get a the same ol reaction. What he also knows is if he can keep us in the same place, and keep us focused on all those painful things, we wont be looking for the weeds that lie underneath all those anger.

We are all gonna have tricky days...if there's a weed there that is causing you to keep reacting the same way...gotta get to the truth and you and the Lord pull that puppy out. Get to the root of it. Have you gone through the CCCC steps offered here? if so, maybe walk through em again. There may be something that was missed the first time doesnt matter how many times you go through them...we gotta weed every day that we are alive on this earth.

love ya sis. am here for you, too.

God bless you,
in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Postby Dora » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:20 pm

Well now I know what's going on with me today! :)

Thanks for posting this bailey and for the responses mlg and momof3.

Woke up ready to crawl in a hole and hide and my day has been one frustration after another.

Why? Because something is bugging me. Went to bed last night with unresolved issues.

Now that I see what's going on I can smile and know the day really isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be.
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