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prophets ?

Postby Lionhearted » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:10 pm

hello fellow water-walkers !!!

I have got a question; who were the prophets for? What was their job/purpose? Who were they supposed to speak to (address)? I know there is a scripture about God sending His servants meaning the prophets and the people killing them and then He sent His Son (to invite them) ... but was that their main purpose ... because we see them also speaking to individual kings .... such as in David's situation?

I would just like to have your thoughts and opinions on this. I'm going to study it but I'm hoping that I can get a "starting" point somehow?

ty in advance *hug*


(ps: if this is the wrong place for this question, i'm sure it will find its way to where it needs to be) lol ... i didn't know where to put it *dunno*
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Postby Mackenaw » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:53 pm

Hello Lionhearted *hug*

A prophet and/or prophetess is a person that is commissioned/ordained/anointed by God to speak The Word of God -- they relay His message(s).

I hope this helps.

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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:16 pm

Hey Macks:

Thank you; so I guess that would be any message that God wants to say, regarding ... anything.

Hmmmm, interesting there were angels that delivered messages as well; I wonder what the defining difference was that God used ... whether the message was delivered through an angel or a prophet?

Any thoughts...

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Postby deetu » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:07 am

You know, it's kinda cool that in the beginning, Moses was overwhelmed so a leader from each tribe was appointed to be annointed to hear God.
Then every now and then you would hear mention of a prophet or prophetess and it was just common knowledge among the people. "There is a prophet in town, why don't you see him"

And not all worked for Kings, I think it was just written more that there were seers and prophets that the Kings would refer to.
Just look at the widow who lived in the temple square that everyone knew was a prophetess.

Before Jesus came and "ripped that curtain" so we have direct contact with God, prophets where the only way people could ask God for direction. We are all prophetic but not all prophets.

Oh, and if you think of the times when God sent an Angel to a person, it was for something really important. A person can disregard a prophet's word but who would disregard an Angel?

This is pretty interesting. Think I'll look into it myself.
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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:36 pm

good point deeters ... i neva thought of that!!

you said:
A person can disregard a prophet's word but who would disregard an Angel?

yes, from what i understand they were pretty "serious" looking .... beings. best to listen lol

thanks guys!!
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