Ghosts from the past

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Ghosts from the past

Postby flutemusic67 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:02 pm

Anyone ever notice how past abuse is like a ghost? The pain comes and goes on it's own time table. Never know when it is going to show up.
You could go months without it. Then suddenly it's back to haunt you.

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Postby --- » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:14 pm

uh huh :(
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Postby Mackenaw » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:38 pm

Hello Flute,

Yes, the subconscious mind stores lots of old thoughts and events of our lives, we need to continue weeding our gardens -- just like the 14-Day Path / CCCC Program tells us.

Step 7 contains awesome reminders and tools for us to use whenever old negative thoughts peek up from under.

Here's the link:

God bless you, Flute.
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Postby foreverHis » Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:14 pm

I never thought it would ever go away..but it hurts tho sometimes ,we open the wound to expose it to the be healed..but a bruised reed God will not break...the holy spirit comes in gentleness and brings peace..but sometimes the pain become so intense we think am I going to make it? the answer is yes..cause God loves us and He will never leave us forsake just takes time..but you will be free
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Postby JCsmediator » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:02 pm

yes it does get better ...
I have been abused almost all my life and I am not effected by it my past to me is my past and I dont feel the pain and all the anger and unforgiveness i used to and the need to avenge ...

I gave it to God and I feel so much better and He gave me Peace and sound mind and delivered me from the hurt tooo ....

now I can share whats happen to me with out feeling bound to it amen

God does heal ...
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Postby Dora » Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:05 pm

Ghosts or demons?

One of the men that hurt me was/is so much like the devil I see no difference. Hate, anger, resentment creep up when I think of him. He not only hurt me but he hurt my best friend. So I don't let myself spend time thinking of him. Focusing on Jesus instead of him brings peace. I have to let God have His revenge instead of trying to take revenge for myself. My counselor told me yesterday I don't need to try to get revenge because God sees what he has done and despises that this man hurt an innocent little child. I've still got some work to do in that area. Gods working it out in me.

This mans face and spirit seems to engulf me to the point I feel swallowed by the darkness.

Even as someone is praying over me his face won't go away and the darkness doesn't fade.

The darkness does stop growing and begins to shrink, but is so very strong!

I've begun to bind the demons, when I can remember. Sometimes the spirit is so encompassing that I can't remember to breath let alone remember how to fight the battle.

I have times where the darkness is lifted off of me. I am at those times filled with such a joy and a peace. I am certain those are the moments someone is praying for me.

If you've not seen the video on Kimberly's cool space you should see it.
That part where Jesus is holding back the demons!
That's what I feel is happening at those moments when the darkness is lifted and I find peace.

I don't know how anyone can make it through with out Jesus. If I didn't know to crawl up in His lap and bask in His all powerful all protecting Love and grace this battle would be to difficult.

The thoughts can send me into such a panic. I feel mental even at times. Self harm and trying to stop the pain with drugs or alcohol plague me. It's a moment by moment battle of deep prayer and thoughts of Jesus that get me through. And prayers from the saints.

I'm so grateful for those who pray for me. You maybe have no idea the effect your prayers are having on my life. If it weren't for those here and the prayers of my counselor I am certain I'd be in the mental institute over this battle.

We need each other. We were not designed to fight the battle alone.

Love you all!
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Postby Tam » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:28 am

Yes flute I have noticed....but I think that when that "ghost" tries to push his head up at us we need to do one of 2 things....remind him we are free of that or perhaps it is something that we have not dealt with properly and need to deal with it and then put it at the feet of Jesus.
Sometimes little things that we have forgotten over time will pop back up and try to stir in the pot is then that we have to make the decision to dwell here or to say get behind me satan, I have dealt with that and then move on and don't give it any power over our lives.
I am learning that if I focus on the things that sometimes pop up it is keeping my life in a fear if I may. So I am learning that when those thoughts come up to remind myself what Jesus says about me and that He loves me regardless of where I have been or what I have done.
For those of us that are abused I believe freedom is a daily walk of gaining trust and winning the thoughts of the mind. With God all things are possible.
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand

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Postby deetu » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:49 am

It is amazing to me how a smell or song from the past can bring a memory back so quickly. Sometimes it will bring me to one thought that will then wander to another that had been gone... trying to come back in.
As soon as I catch it, I command it to leave in Jesus's name (what a mighty name, what a glorious thing) and thanking Him for being there.
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Postby Dora » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:55 am


I remember a time I felt like I was slipping into depression.

Then out of my mouth came Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I don't think I could of stopped it from coming out if I tried.

And the gloom went away. And I smiled. :)

Thank you for the reminder deetu. We need reminders as we forget things when we are struggling.
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God's Power

Postby mcpeak » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:12 pm

There was a time when I was a teenager that I too had these overpowering feelings that would begin a little at the time. It was an evil feeling that seemed to want to take over my entire body and mind. I do not remember who I talked to about it but it seems like it was an older man, maybe an elder at my church but he told me this little saying and said to say it when those feelings came over me. It was "The Power of God is Within in, The Grace of God Surrounds Me". The thing about it he said was that I had to say it and REALLY believe it. He said that it was true and we do all have a piece of God in us AND that God's Grace is always with us. The 1st time I tried it, it didn't work very good and the feeling kept getting stronger then I remembered and said it really believing it with all my heart and it started working. Just a couple days later I felt it coming on again like it did before and I started saying it, over and over and over and over believing with confidence this time. It went away quicker that day. A day or so later it came back so I did this again saying the same thing over and over and over. After about the 4th or 5th time this thing came back and tried to take me over and I continued to stand up to it by saying and believing it stopped and to this day has not ever happened to me again. If it ever does I know what to do and I will. Jesus really is with us at all times and has power over those things we can't see inside us, old memories, evil things, who knows what they are sometimes. All I know is that God, the most powerful force in the whole universe put a little piece of Him inside me, (He created us from His own image) and that His Grace surrounds our bodies, (I close my eyes and picture, even feel Grace like a force field around me) and I believe. That's the most important thing. You may think I made this up but I promise I didn't. It really happened and it really worked for me. May God bless you all and give you the strength to believe and cling to Him when things like this happen.
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Postby flutemusic67 » Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:56 am


Thank you, very much. Those feelings have been coming up a LOT recently. They are deep, but Jesus loves me even deeper.

Knowing He will never leave and will always be there is comforting. Without Him, I dunno what would happen.....

My resolution for today, next month, and years to come is to be further from the world and closer to the Word.
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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:53 pm

awwwww *flute* my beloved sister,
I just came across this and had to post.

I remember those feelings. And sometimes my past still comes back and haunts me at moments, most of the abuse, i was able to leave at Jesus feet and i can remember when i actually in my heart was able to forgive my abuser. It took 4 yrs of therapy with a christian counselor and still being angry at God and turned my back on Him, got into drugs, went way downhill. and finally one night i begged forgiveness and He met me with open arms. Turns out He had never left. He was crying with me. And comforting me. I did not forgive my abuser at that time, it took me awhile, spending time here, learning and growing but i do remember that it was when i had such totaly clarity of all that God had forgiven me for
When thoughts creep in as the enemy so likes to do to keep us confused hurting to make us less effective for Him and His Glory, yet God STILL loves us. What has worked for me is prayer and worship. demaning thoughts leave in Jesus name. And they go away and then i feel such Peace!!! Though i dont always practice this when i do it totally rocks cuz it works sis :)

Remember we fight against powers and principalities that we may never truly understand.

Now i am not saying that forgiving abuser is only path to heal. I think that is a very personal encouter between you and God. I do believe and know in my heart that He is the way to truly heal.

I have sorely missed u my sis,,, welcome home !!!

luvs ya
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