Making a change without resources generally isn't a good idea. As far as the jobs - right now in most locations it should be reasonably easy to find another job. If the jobs are scarce where you are, then maybe you should look prior to walking away. Walking into a better job makes more sense. Going when you only have unemployment may not be the way to go. I don't know your whole situation, but in general, the rule is that you don't make a major life change unless you have it figured out and you KNOW it is what you want to do.
Sometimes not knowing is what you want - but then you need resources and it doesn't sound like you have them.
Pray. Action should be taken when you have peace for the next step. I don't think you would be writing here if you had peace about moving.
Houses are selling fast around here. Have you thought of selling?
And work - it helps to find what is good about work. It is easy to be pulled into what isn't good about work and of course most of us wouldn't choose to go to work as many days a year as we do, even if we like what we do. Using work as a way to give compliments and share God's love can make the days a lot better - and it also makes you more valuable to others. No, that isn't part of the job description. But taking in cookies if you bake, or noticing when someone has something new can really make work a better place to be. And if you are making work better, many times they will find a way to keep you. And of course there are the basics that I'm sure you know about being on time, dressing appropriately. Additionally, there was an employee where I work who would just not do stuff if she couldn't get to it. She didn't tell us that she wasn't going to get to it unless we asked where it was. It caused some embarrassment until we figured out that she just wasn't going to do certain things. She complained later that she never got promoted - well, if you want to get promoted you need to do more than what your current job is And certainly not less. If you can't get something done, then you let people know and show some regret. You try to learn new things. You plan on working a little late (early apparently doesn't impress people, but late does. Go figure on that one. Many surveys show it is true.)
So, lots of advice - but the answer to your question is - pray, get peaceful, pray more - and don't make a change unless you are sure that God has blessed it or, if you aren't used to hearing from God, until you are very sure that the new is certainly better than the old. When they are equal, stick with the old.
And if this makes you really mad - well, figure out why. It may tell you where your heart is. But still pray and get peaceful before you do it. If you feel you shouldn't, then you shouldn't.