I need to share this.

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

I need to share this.

Postby ladyartisan21 » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:36 pm

Hiya everyone, im really struggling, i keep falling down, turning my back on the Lord and last night i fell far and now the man who i was with says hes in love with me but im not in love with him. im so angry at myself. Ive had a difficult year all year and my confidence has dropped i thought id given it all to god and then it all come crumbling down around me again. i Love Jesus so much but i dont love me and without loving me then i keep destroying everything he has given to me and thats not who i want to be. this needs to stop i need freedom i want my freedom i had before i went a stray again. i feel broken right now. blessings to you all xxx
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby vahn » Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:29 pm

Hello artisan , welcome to the Oasis .

I would like to start off my reply with there will be others to come along and and try to give you what you may want to hear . The reason I'm starting my reply like this is the fact that I have two reasons . One , you don't HAVE to listen to what I am saying , and two , I am not the type to always give people what they want , but I will give the shirt off my back to whoever needs it . Maybe I should've said I have three reasons ... see , I am the type that is a bit slow in understanding things , so I use the "lets break this down a bit" method .

So . You say , you love Jesus , and you also say you turn your back on Him . and that you tend to destroy everything that He (Jesus I presume) has given you .

This man loves you , but you dont love him .

You want this , whatever it is that is preventing you the freedom that you want .

I had a mentor once , that said something that I go by in all of my affairs (maybe the reson for my slowness) .. " He said /she said ... the truth lies in the middle . Now with that spirit , I am to start in the middle .

Let us , for argument's sake , say what if you DID love this man ? .

Ok , lets go up a notch ... you love Jesus , you turn your back on Him ... would it be safe for me to say that even if you did love this man , you'd turn your back on him as well ? , or is that too close to the truth ?

Down two notches now .... it appears to me , that this "thing" that is preventing you to enjoy freedom , could it be , lets say self ? bondage ? ... or how about this , lets take them both and call it a bondage TO self .

Now , what if we were to say without breaking that bondage , I guarantee you you will never experience freedom again until you do so .

How to break that bondage ? ... We have a 14 day CCCC path that we offer , (it is the first one on this page) that will help to break thing down more and kind of put things in order , and achieve FREEDOM - from self .

In Christ , our Lord
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby ladyartisan21 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:28 am

Hi Vahn,

Alot for me to think pray on there, thank you.

Bless you cheers for not judging me.

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Re: I need to share this.

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:06 am

Hello Ladyartisan,

I first also want to wish you a welcome to the Oasis.
next we are not here to judge each other but to encourage and lift each other when we fall
You see we ALL fall short of the glory of God.
There are others here that are fighting the same battle you are right now, mine is somewhat simular
and as with mine it is almost always due to cravings, desires....addictions
You are trying to fill that empty spot with something else, you see this as a fix but it only works for a little while and then the empty nothingness craving is back again, why because we continue to use what is not what we need.
I tend to feel this is all I deserve and all I will ever have....is that truth NO absolutely not!! that is satan forcing my mind to believe this so I will remain as broken as I am and continue to pull me from the arms of Jesus and yes I have allowed this, so yes I fully understand the not loving me part but what we are doing is not loving Jesus because He is within us and when we do not love ourselves........ but the beauty is Jesus is STILL sitting there with His arms open wide waiting for me AND you to come back into His arms.
It is an unconditional love that does NOT change.

I hope you will take the time to look into the studies and counseling pages that are here, they are a blessing without a doubt.

He knows everything about you, He knows you better than you do, He knows your heart as well as your weakness's
One of the biggest helps to myself is when I realized this and became "real" with Him instead of the fake person of pretending I could handle it....I CAN'T!!! and now I tell Him every morning I can't, and ask for His guidence and wisdom and mercy to show me how to climb up out of this pit I dug, I have no doubt He will heal me and He WILL heal you too
cause that is a promise from Him we only need to remain faithfull through ALL of our stumbles and get back up and ask for His forgiveness, mercy and love....and it WILL BE GIVEN!!

God bless you sis, and please know you are NOT alone.
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby ladyartisan21 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:01 pm

Hiya!! Thank you kindly from the bottom of my heart. I have done stone 2 on the christian counselling today and ive felt the holy spirit move through me today i feel thirsty and encouraged to take up my armor from the Lord and fight for who i love so deeply Jesus!!! i feel a new with faith like a fresh wave has blown through me im just so grateful to have a second chance.

Addiction and Pain come hand in hand in my life and i feel some times the pain is addictive i have given this to the Lord and he wants to make me a new in him.

Love and blessings to your kind words of support and encouragement i will keep re-reading this for the hope you have given to me.

Go in peace, Bless you Ladyartisan xx
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby Lani » Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:00 am

Greetings to you sis *Wave*

*WelcomeTrain* to *ChillinAtOasis*

I can only echo what has already been shared...

Just a quick note to let you know I am standing in prayer and have joined you on this journey toward healing. Please continue to move ahead, one step at a time... even when ya feel you cannot :)

We need not find all the fixes in one reading :) His Grace is sufficient for each day.

Looking forward to hearing more of your journey soon.


Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby ladyartisan21 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:49 am

Greetings Lani thank you for your lovely message. i have placed an update in the christian councelling board as i have continued to LET GO and LET GOD exciting times!!! blessings and peace to all xxxx
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Re: I need to share this.

Postby TMB » Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:36 pm

Let me tell you the simplest piece of advise my pastor has given me this week. When we worry it brings us further away from God. Give God your trust. He says that you should not worry. Let go of your fears and talk to God. Give them all to Him because He will guide us. He will never ever ever judge you for what you've done. So today picture the problems all gone and in His hands. Picture in your mind a white wall behind you and in front of you. The wall behind you shows that have no past because your mistakes are forgiven, and the wall in front of you shows that you have no future because the future is still to be written by you. You have all this room to start anew.
Now let God lead you through your struggles. Trust that no matter what the hardship is your going to face (having to reject someone and then learn to conquer your temptation) all that happens is so you can live a better life. Hes guiding you on a path of true happiness even though it will make you unhappy for a moment. Is rejection really so bad? It is so common you have nothing to fear. Tell the truth and move on.
The bible says if a branch wont let you grow cut it off. If you need to leave this person to strengthen your relationship with God then you have Gods permission written out to do so.
Remember your strength comes from GOD. Breathe it in because He will always be there for you. He knows how your every emotion and your plan for success. I am tackling a sexual sin and today after feeling i will triumph and then failing i finally beat my temptation for the first time in years. God is patient. Do what you need.
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