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Hello Everybody

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:46 pm
by calebsmom77
Hiya everyone! Miss you all and wish that I had more opportunities to get on here! Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers! Been going to counseling for a couple months and well, the past few times has been really rough! I don't really have the time or desire to say a whole lot about it right now. Just keep me in your prayers. I am gonna be getting a phone soon where I can get on the web, so hopefully I will be able to get on here more. Hugs to you all!

Re: Hello Everybody

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:13 am
by Dora
You've been missed. When I saw your name I smiled. :)

Counseling can be hard. Sometimes my counseling is good other times it causes me to struggle for the week. If it's to painful ask to take it slower. There is no reason to rush the healing. Be gentle on yourself and if your counselor isn't gentle on you then maybe you need to speak up a little. It's a hard balance to find the right amount of pushing a client forward but not pushing to much that they are hurt. Help her/him find that balance. Mine is to soft and doesn't push enough so I get away with not digging into the deep stuff. *BigGrin*

I've found art therapy helps a lot! I've been cutting out magazine pictures and printing pictures off the internet to make a "road map" of my life. I've been working on it for 3 weeks now and nearly done. It was helpful to see pictures of what life was like and felt like, good and bad, as well as to see areas I still couldn't talk about. Little "shhhh" signs on the road map show the areas I can't go into just yet.

I have to run...but hoping to hear from you soon. You've been on my heart so I have been praying. I will continue. God loves you sister and so do I.