Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

forgiveness and forgetting

Postby huckleberrybaby » Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:13 am

Not even sure what to say....I have read some of the past posts on this forum and I see a lot of myself in them. So many years of working on my own healing and yet, one incident can stir up so many things I thought the Lord had helped me put to rest. Forgiveness? Yes, I have made the choice to forgive those who have abused me, and along with that I have also chosen to forgive myself....but forgetting is a whole other issue. When I read the Word I read about the lives of people like David. All of his sins were forgiven by the Father, but his sins were also recorded in history for all time. I wonder, does God's definition of "forgetting" have a different meaning then what I have come to know? If He forgets the way I define forgetting, then wouldn't the sins of the saints not be recorded in history? I sometimes wonder if possibly forgetting what others have done to me might just mean eventually being able to forget the how much pain their abusive choices brought me, but yet still being able to remember the abusive action so I might possibly someday be able to share with someone else how the Lord brought me through....just a thought. Anyway, I am not at the point of being able to "forget" the "pain" yet, and I still have to remind myself often that I have chosen to forgive. There are so many times I literally feel like punching the you know what out of my abusive ex-husband for all the pain,physically and emotionally, his actions have caused my children and myself. I have to remind myself of the choice I made to forgive him, I even have the date I forgave him written down somewhere, I don't know, I guess having that date as a visual helps to remind me I made that choice. So, I guess I am here venting right now so in my mind I can take off the boxing gloves cuz in my mind right now my ex's hands are tied behind his back so I could get a clean shot if I wanted to! Gotta tell ya, being human and all that clean shot "punch" sure would feel sweet! Guess that's another reason the Lord chose to move me over 1200 miles away from my it goes!
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Re: forgiveness and forgetting

Postby momof3 » Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:49 pm

Hi, my sister in Him *hug*

Im glad you found this forum along with the CCCC forum. God is so good. You are not alone.

I love the books about David. I believe God wanted to show His mercy and forgiveness within these records. They speak to me in volumes about how human David was...with all of his failures, but he was still deemed the apple of God's eyes. David payed some high prices for his sins, (like the loss of his son) but the Lord never took His eyes off of David. Throughout his history, he followed, he failed, he praised and fell, he got back up and loved the Lord, God more and more...such an awesome story of human failings and redemption, love and mercy.

Sis, forgiveness doesnt mean what your ex-husband did was right. God does not want any of His children abused. He will deal with him on His terms. God does forget the minute we ask Him with a true heart of repentance. He knows the difference. In Psalms He says that He removes our sins and sees them no more.. as far as the east is from the west..and that our sins are buried...when we truly repent. In that repentence is where we find surrender to Him. Im so thankful He does. He doesnt stand accusing me when He has every right to. Thank You, Jesus!

Im praying for you, my sister. I pray for healing and peace...that you are filled up with that joy that surpasses all understanding. His will be done in all of this. Keep posting sis..when you bring something to the Light of Truth, there is healing waiting for you. God bless you.

In Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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