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"mother"-in-law DRAMA

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:41 am
by driverl86
Please someone give me some useful advise if you have any. I really need help. I have no where else to turn. If I told you all about this woman I would have to write a book. Long story short, She is selfish, spoiled, and cares about no one but herself. This is not an opinon its the truth. She treats everyone around her like they are dirt beneath her feet. Mostly her family. She acts like she's 12yrs old. She throws tantrums when she dosnt get her way. She treats her sisters like dirt. Guess who catches the worst of it........According to her I am scum. ANYWAY!! LOL!! She wants pitty from everyone anyway that she can get it. She had to have her dog put to sleep. I know it's painful. Pets are like family. I thought that my husband told our daughter. I guess he didnt. She called Tuesday and asked to speak to my daughter. She was only on the phone with her for about 2 minutes. She came to me, tears welling up and said, "Grandma said, Did you know Rocky is dead? You havnt called Grandma." She was so upset! She knew that the woman was trying to guilt her. She knew that it wasnt right. She is only 8yrs old. She talks about me in front of my child when my Husband and Daughter go to visit her. He had the nerve to tell our Daughter, "Dont be mad at Grandma." Really!! She hurts my daughters feelings when she talks about me. She thinks that she is going to somehow make my daughter love her more than me. She is dead wrong. My daughter wants nothing to do with her. I dont know what to do anymore. She has been trying to split us up for the past 10 years. I dont know what to do anymore. My husband will not stand up to her and tell her that he is not going anywhere and she needs to stop treating us so badly. I could really use some advise PLEASE *help* *dunno* You know. She can treat me as badly as she wants that's fine I can take it. But when it comes to her hurting my child especially for selfish reasons like wanting pitty and wanting my daughter to love her more than me. I HAVE HAD IT!!

Re: "mother"-in-law DRAMA

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:36 pm
by humblevisitor

I know this is a difficult situation. the only advice I know to give is the Command Jesus gave us to love and pray for our enemies. I am not going so far as to say she is your enemy, but she is certainly not behaving like a friend. The advice i got for this type of prayer was to pray that the person in question get all the things I seek and need from God: Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, freedom from their pain, freedom from self, freedom from selfishness, self pity, freedom from the need to control, understanding what God's will is for me, knowing God better, loving God better, following Jesus more closely, etc. . I have found that prayer does change things.... namely me. It may not change how they act, but continuing in this type of prayer certainly changes how i RE-act. And I believe that is what your daughter needs to see... not how Grandma is acting... but God working through you, her mom, to love others... including those who seem to be our enemies even in our own family. Your daughter is watching you far more closely than her grandma. And that is an awesome thing... :)

I'll be praying for you too....that you can find His strength *Pray*

Re: "mother"-in-law DRAMA

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:17 am
by driverl86
Thank you *hug*