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Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:08 pm
by PreciousMercy
What is my problem!!??!! Why do I constantly fall back into this pit????? I want to be good, I want to keep my mind and body pure, but I keep giving into temptation and doing things I should not and watching things that I should not. True I have not gone back to 'porn' per say but watching movies that are all about sex doesn't really fit the purity mold!!!! I am so mad with myself. Why do I keep letting my flesh win out!?! I don't want to be the daughter of impurity, I want to be the daughter of the King! Why is it so hard for me???

Angry, Confused, Mad, Frustrated and Losing Hope,

PreciousMercy :oops: :cry: *Doh* *Sorry* *eek* *SOS*

PS. Yes, I know God forgives, but I don't want to have to keep seeking His forgiveness for this!!

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:24 pm
by Lani


Hiya Precious Sis,
Let me start by sayin, you aren't messed up :) You are Human and you Hurt (in one way or another)

Good that you know He forgives ya :) but... (yeah you knew that was comin huh?) ;)

Do YOU forgive you?

What are you attempting to avoid feeling that this "release" seems so easy to give in to?

There is an emptiness within, something that needs filling as to allow you full freedom in this area. May our Awesome Lord guide you through learning the root and may you find full Freedom from self, through Him.

Luv ya sis

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:17 pm
by dema
YOu can't not eat chocolate by thinking about not eating chocolate. You will eat it for sure. YOu need to fill your life and mind wiht other things. SHame and blame keep you thinking about your sin which keeps you in temptation - constant and severe temptation. To get away from your sin you need to think about forgiveness and purity and good stuff. Help others. Get involved in wholesome activities. Exercise.


Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:22 pm
by PreciousMercy
Why does this sin have such a strong pull to me?? I know it is wrong, I do not want to do it, but yet when the lights go off and all is quiet at night, i am sucked into it's ugly world. I don't want this to rule my life anymore!

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:24 pm
by bretsky12
precious, i understand your situation all too well. my thoughts and prayers are with you. it is so frustrating to tell yourself you are done, and it wont happen again. but it happens again and again, and you feel so down, and rotten, and wonder why there is no victory.

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:16 pm
by barnabas
Dear Precious,
I feel your pain. You are not messed up. I feel that you are simply taking the wrong approach to being pure. In order to have a pure mind, there are two truths that you must meditate on. The first is your Christian Liberty. In Romans 7 we are told that sinful passions are aroused by the law. Actually sin is using the law against us in order to increase our desire for sin. Therefore claiming your freedom from the law should take away sins ammunition and decrease your desire for sin. Meditate (fill your mind with) on verses such as Romans 7:4,8: 3:20. Secondly, meditate on Jesus Christ and His purity. 1 Peter 2:22 "Jesus did no sin neither was guile found in His mouth" also Hebrews 4:15 " Jesus was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin". As you set your mind on the purity of Christ, His purity will be formed in you (Galatians 4:19). These verses teach that it's not about trying to control yourself. It is about letting Christ control you. These truths have changed my life. It is my prayer that they will change yours also.

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:21 pm
by Sam_19
I have this same problem. I go without these fleshy desires and then suddenly i find myself doin what i set out not to do. I've learnt, though, not just with the desires of the flesh but with all problems, to literally thank Jesus and just pray a prayer of thanks. Even in the midst of your pain or problems just pray thanks and say 'Christ is my holiness, Christ is my righteousness.' People may think your nuts but seriously, your desires will go so quickly.

Re: Why am I so messed up>?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:09 am
by dema
Sin's biggest power is in separating us from God. If we sin, confess, and go along our way, then sin hasn't done much separating. If we moan and beat ourselves up and stay distressed - then sin has separated us.

When we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive. Confess in the name of Jesus Christ and move on. Return to fellowship.

PS. I think man has this huge thing with purity. The patriarchs were not pure. When we are weak, then he is strong. Paul went on and on about it - not making an excuse for sin. But just get over it quickly. The big thing is fellowship. God wants your attention. Don't let it separate you.