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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:43 pm
by calebsmom77
Feeling drained emotionally and physically today! Just want a day to do nothing but sleep, sleep, sleep! This bit of trying to pretend like everything is just perfect is really wearing me out. Feel like I gotta constantly be happy and smiling, like my world is perfect to be wanted anywhere. People are cool with talking to you till you really NEED to talk to them, then they want nothing to do with you. I dunno.......I am just worn out today I guess!! That's it. Not even sure what the point of saying this was.

Re: Tired

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:23 pm
by Dora
Just wanted to give you a hug. *hug*

Take gentle care of yourself. *Pray*

Re: Tired

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:30 pm
by broken wings
Your words today are so very much my own almost exactly to the letter. If we may be very honest in this forum, I too agree that most people say they are listening (that is when and if you can find someone to listen), but they just blow you off. Really. And it does may a soul tired and weary when you are going through so much. Some people can handle things better than others, but then some of us just can not do it. Plain and simple. Without stepping on anyones toes or gossiping, or judging, I have to say this walk is hard, truly hard for the most of us who suffer on a daily basis. And being betrayed for no reason, abused and abandoned, talked about, harrassed, and degraded without reason by those you love and trusted is in fact Suffering. Torment. Depression. All of these things are brought on by others....those we love and care about. Those who have professed to be Christians and who have done us harm in one way or other....they have caused this suffering. So what are we commanded to do? Pray for them, bless those who use us and abuse us, and most importantly forgive them. Yes, we can do this as hard as it is...that's no secret there. And the Lord Jesus commands us to. But it is hard to forget. Emotions well up in us. The trust is gone. We feel like we are left alone here to get this all done and then go on our way like you said, actly like nothing is wrong, trying to feel happy and care free in a perfect world. Not going to happen.
We have to be honest about how we feel in order to work through it. Take care, I better stop while I'm ahead. I feel ya.

Re: Tired

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:55 am
by Dora
Thinking of you. Wondering how things are working out. *hug*

Gods good and perfect will be done. *Pray*

Re: Tired

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:03 am
by akita777
Being reduced to nothing and no one but Christ is painful. It involves many trials and many tests. Consider yourself blessed for the time the Lord is working in your life. We consider that the Lord is working only when we feel good. This can't be true. If there is to be more of HIM and less of me then it is a painful process. We get glimpses of the outcome but not too much lest we think we have done all the work and pride sets in. Blessed be his Holy name. May he work in us to the gladness of us and the praise and glory to him..

Re: Tired

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:55 pm
by dema
I check my PM's at least twice a day most days. Occasionally I can't, but usually I do. If you need to talk, I will listen and say what I think. I will pray - so it won't just be gobbledygook or platitudes - not that I hear God perfectly. Wouldn't that be terrific? To actually be able to have great receptions with God all the time? But, I will really talk to you. But if you want all nice - nice, well that just isn't me. I don't nice-nice myself either.

To what you are saying - sometimes you need hugs, sometimes you need an ear, and sometimes you need to look at how you may be contributing to the problem - maybe by being enabling. Being nice all the time isn't necessarily doing anybody a favor. Jesus wasn't all sweet and soft. He called the Pharisees a lot of nasty things. Whited sepulchres for example. He overturned the money changers tables. Just praying isn't the whole answer. Accepting toils passively isn't always the best thing to do. On the other hand - yelling is seldom productive.

Prayer is a good place, a necessary place, to start. But a person should be listening to God to determine what the rest of the story is. Because prayer usually isn't the whole answer. God does answer us. And that answer frequently includes action. It may be action like what Martin Luther King and Ghandi did - just refusing to accept the bad treatment. But that IS action and it uses Biblical principles.

You deserve to be loved and you deserve to be you. And you deserve to love you. Many times when people are being treated badly, it is because they don't love themselves and so they don't insist that other people treat them with respect. And that insistance can be as simple as not responding until you hear "Please" and a nice tone of voice. Being asked nicely can change the tone of a whole day.

But, you didn't really say what the issues are.

So here I am guessing.

But I know God loves you and wants you to have blessings and not cursings. If you are experiencing cursings - then something needs to change. Start with prayer, and end with prayer - but in between, there will probably be some action.