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Abusive relationships

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:13 pm
by calebsmom77
How do you heal from the emotional and verbal abuse that you have known all your life? How do you heal when you are still stuck in a relationship like that? How are you ever supposed to feel like you are worth anything when you are told you are not? Better yet, how does one forgive themself when they have their kids stuck with them in an abusive relationship? How do you forgive yourself when you look into your child's eyes and see pain and depression. How do you forgive yourself when you hear your 7 year old talking about wanting to die?

Re: Abusive relationships

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:08 pm
by Mackenaw
Hello Calebsmom,

I'm sending up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus. May His blessed will be done.

Calebsmom, there are places that will take you and your children in, Safe Houses. Look in your local telephone book and look up services for Women and around, and tell them of your situation.

In some areas, Salvation Army has safe houses for women and children when they are victims of abuse. Salvation Army is but one of the organizations that offer these type of services. These houses are are staffed and highly monitored and secure, and they will help you find alternative housing, help you find a job, and will even help you navigate through the court system.

God does not want you or your children to be abused or be trapped by any abuser.


Re: Abusive relationships

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:39 am
by jayney
Hello Calebsmom,
I am in the Uk and over here there are Refuges for women in your situation, I am sure there must be something similar over there. It is very hard to leave a relationship that is abusive, years of damage to your self esteem and self worth wear you down and make it harder and harder to get away. Also, if you live with it for a long time, as painful as it is you start to feel it is normal as you don't know any different. God loves you and if you keep praying and asking him to to guide you, the way out of your situation will become clear. I am sending prayers up for you. Be strong and remember that God loves you.
*hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug*