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Resource Page

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:58 pm
by Wonderfilled One
Hay Ya'll,

I am going to start this Resource Page, as a way to pass along useful information.
I have some books that I have read, and used, and have found very helpful. I will be adding more as we move ahead in our time together. If you have a specific need , let me know, as I have a fairly wide range of useful information. I must caution you that, as per the Christianity Oasis rules, we cannot use hyperlinks on this site! The threat of viral attack is just too great, and the possible damage caused is not something we are going to risk.
If anyone has a something they want to pass along, PLEASE DO NOT post it without taking it before either Bro. O, or myself first. If it used on the Resource Page, I will post it there.
I hope this is a help to someone here.
God Bless All. Luv You All,
Wonderfilled One


Resource Page

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:16 pm
by Wonderfilled One
Hey Ya'll,

Here is some suggestions for reading that have to do with addiction, and recovery:

I have 6 books to start with:

"SERENITY: A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery," (Complete with New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs) by Dr.'s Robert Hemfelt and Richard Fowler

"The 12 Step Prayer Book," written and Comlpiled by Bill P. and Lisa D.

"The Twelve Steps for Christians" based on Biblical teaching by Friends in Recovery, RPI Publishing.

"A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps,"(The classic Guide for All People in the Process Recovery) by Patrick Carnes, Hazelden Publishing.

"Facing the Shadow, Starting Sexual and Relationship Recovery", by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.

"THE WOUNDED HEART, Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse" by Dr. Dan B. Allender