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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:37 pm
by Wonderfilled One

Hey Ya'll,
I really need to know what I can do to make S.O.S. work for you. I would surely be most thankful for any thoughts on the subject. Don't even have to sign your name. Helping you is the goal here, and I want to be more effective in obtaining that objective. It's all part of His plan, ya know!
Thanks you, and may God Bless you!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:20 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
Hi Wonderfilled One,
we have spoke a few times, I must tell you I don't think theres alot for you to improve, I know when I first came on here that was the first place I entered when I started checking out the site and the biggest thing for me wasn't anything about the area as much as the people in it.
but if I had one suggestion it would be to give a reference area where some could find more on the subject at hand, one that I read and found to be VERY insightful was "Every man's battle" they actually have several of these - young man's and others but it opened my eyes to facts about men and our thinking, did you ever stop to think where the thoughts first, billboards, and newspaper ads women in bra's and not much more what is a man SUPPOSED TO THINK!! first step is to avert your eyes, by that you avert your thoughts also.
Also I must tell you the ladies here are what surprised me most and I have become good friends with a few of them so encouragement of them here is a plus because with me when I felt the acceptance from them WITHOUT the judgement it BLOWED ME AWAY!! I wasn't use to that from a woman, I NEVER felt love as God meant it until coming here I have not had one person make me feel dirty or unwelcome or unworthy and I felt that in my own church!!
I hope we talk more and I hope this gives you some kind of insight of what is felt by people coming in.
God bless you and thanks for ALL you do


PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:03 pm
by Wonderfilled One
Hey Christianunderconstruction,

I want to thank you for replying, and for your valuable insights.
I would very much like to have somewhere that i can post information, as I have mentioned some of the books I have used, or at least looked at, that some didn't know existed. My stance has always been , the more knowledge, the better equipped we are to fight.
We do have some awesome female members, full of luv and insight! Always grateful for their contributions.
As soon as I get to ask Bro O bout the ref. page, I will post the info.
Take care, and may God Bless