
This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.


Postby Worship Leader » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:06 pm

I have been a slave to impurity/self gratification for 15 years now. I've been battling unwanted imaginative thoughts that would lure me into self gratification. It's when I'm at my weakest point when I have these thoughts that Satan would tempt me or my flesh would tempt me knowing in advance that it's an abomination to God. I yield to it not wanting to. It's a habbital sin; an addiction. I often have beaten myself up over it with depression, discouragement, disappointment, anxiety, fear, self condemnation, not forgiving myself and doubt of salvation.

I feel like I'm trampling upon God's grace or that I'm treating his precious grace so carelessly. I love the Lord, but I feel like I have a divided heart; like I'm double minded. All I know is that I don't want to keep putting myself through this. I want to live the victorious life God has called me to live. I pray everyday for God to deliver me from this demonic spirit; the perverse spirit. I pray daily for a clean heart. *Pray* I feel like I'm causing God pain and like I'm grieving the Holy Spirit every time I fail in this area; every time I give in. :cry:
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Postby Bloodstone » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:41 pm

I know exactly what you are going through. What I did was, I searched and thought, why do I fall into temptation in the first place. For me, it was to feel loved, special, like I was one with someone. Then I asked God to fill that need in my heart, and it was a deep need inside of me. It has taken time, but over the last few months, temptation doesn't even come to me anymore. But I had to give God all of my heart, I had to call His Name when that spirit would come and temp me.
I hope that helps you. I use to beat myself up and cry for days over it too. You can overcome this with the Holy Spirits help. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. You're in my prayers.
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Postby vahn » Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:50 pm

Hello Joey

Getting a pretty good idea of what you are talking about (or at least I hope I do) , I can safely say , rest at ease , The hoop you need to jump through is a lot wider than you might think .

First off , by recognizing our "situation" as an addiction ( I do what I don't wanna do , I don't do what I should do , and wrack my brains out afterward of why do I continue to do this ... ad infinitum) we don't realize it now , but we already won half the battle .
You might ask "How is that so ?" Well let me put it this way , by recognizing it as an addiction , we no longer are putting the "situation" up front , now we are dealing with a totally different issue (the underlying causes and conditions of why we continue) addiction .

Listen brother , flesh is flesh -end of subject - so first thing needs to be done is stop beating ourselves with it , and , though he deserves a lot worst , we need to stop blaming satan , or anything and anybody else including ourselves for that matter , for our flesh , when we do that , we are making just as much sense as wishing ourselves being porcupines instead of humans just because we don't like to act in a "fleshly" manner .

It is NOT the flesh that we need to overcome , (forget about it , it will be with us for quite a while , so get used to it ;) ) .
It is the misuse of it is what we need to look at (hit a chord yet ?)

Ok , Joey , at this point I'm going to cut the chase and get right down to the nitty-gritty . Admitting addiction got nobody nowhere , what we need to do is to admit our POWERLESSNESS over it , which is the first step of recovery ... and without which ... our recovery from it will only be temporary .

What we are "suffering" from is a Spiritual hunger , that hole in the pit of the stomach that our addiction(s) is temporarily filling until the next episode , is God's space , nothing else can occupy that space , so , give it up .

Total abstinence (well in this "situation" -self control - [don't look at it ;) ] ) -admission of powerlessness - and handing it over to Him , no matter how filthy it is , without these three , chances of recovery is zip , zilch , zero , nada .

Been there , done that .

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby realtmg » Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:22 pm

Sure like your honesty!
I think most of us have been in your shoes. I have learned to read God's Word and think on Spiritual things. (Try)
I am careful of what I watch and read. Of who I'm around and how it effects me. I take an inventory everyday. (Again Try) ;)
I have been a faithful member here at Oasis for over 3 years now and I check in and read the forums and about new members. I have many friends here and when I do not see them logged lately, I get concerned.
I also have learned that doing for others and thinking of others takes my mind off of "self".
There will always times of testing and the more time we overcome ; the easier it gets. It makes us a better person and our character grows.
I even look of how God works though out the day at times.
Satan is very deceitful and sly! Many things that look and sound good are only a crack we may fall in to get us started on the wrong path.
So........... Living a christian life is a tall order. God looks at our hearts!!!
keep tugging along my friend and if you will get what you put into it.
Keep praying and maybe try to start memorizing scripture on a weekly basis. The Word is quick and powerful.

Hope this helps and I do appreciate you sharing this issue because it is a common one we all have or do struggle with.


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Me too

Postby Guest » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:28 pm

I'm Rick. Please pray for me because I've been going thru the same thing. I think I'm addicted to pornography and can't help from time to time engage in such sinful behavior. I've been dealing with this issue for sometime now (a year)
I really have no one to talk to. I'm really ashamed to share it with someone in our church. that's why I'm sharing it to a stranger.

I really need your prayers Bro.
I'm really doing my best to walk a straight line. I really love the Lord and I already committed my life to Him.
I can honestly say that He is my priority.

Please pray for me thanks!
God bless!
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Postby realtmg » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:55 pm

Keep sharing as this is why we call this REAL Solutions. I share the Real me and respect others being REAL.
You have my prayers as well as others who read.
By sharing......... people know they are not alone.
We all fall short, but, God's grace and His power can make us become what He set for us to be.

Luv ya

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Postby vahn » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:07 pm

Hello Rick

Welcome aboard the Oasis , lettin you know , we all here for each other , like Realtmg said , we all come "from the same place" , and but we have also gotten over our addictions as well , no matter what they be , whether , in your case porn , sex , drugs or even eating , the thing to remember is that There Is a Solution , a Real one . WE can do together what I could not by myself , or on my own .

With Him , ALL things are possible , with me (alone) NOTHING is possible .

Once again , welcome , and hope to read more of your post .

(Oh , by the way , you can have your own thread if you wish , there's a button on the bottom of the page says "New Topic" , click on that , make sure to fill in where it says "subject" , then type away on the page under it . Just in case you didn't know ... I didn't !!)

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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:25 pm

Hello Rick and welcome to Christianity Oasis. :)

Here's a link to a 14 day program that I think you'll enjoy. It's sure to help you get stronger so to fight against the sins that bind you.

God bless and keep you. *Pray*
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