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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:28 pm
by mlg
Hey forgiven *hug*

The struggle to fight...I knew this all to well for several years. The want to do better, but the know how to do so...was not there.

What I found worked best for me, was that I made a complete decision to change the things I do. This meant I had to choose not to watch things that I knew might hold a chance for temptation. I had to choose to stay away from situations that I knew might hold a chance of temptation. I had to make these choices...and this came with God's help. If I found myself being tempted, I knew that He always offers a way out, so I would start looking for the way out....

Is it easy to do this sis? No's a can't avoid the fight choose to fight to win...

Keep sharing sis...we are all here for you.

luv ya

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:56 pm
by mlg
forgiven...falling in love with God is so wonderful...and how does one fall in love? They get to know someone intimately...God wants this intimacy in your relationship with to know Him better sis.

luv ya

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:44 pm
by momof3
Hey forgiven..awesome name, sis..and that is just what you are, problem is, we have to believe in His forgiveness.

when we begin to search out that deep calling in our souls..that voice that says we are on the wrong path or we are making a mistake, or the one that says there is something really missing in your life..some deep need that isnt being met...when we are called to search out what that voice is, He is the One calling..He is the One who makes the changes in us. See, sis, we cant change on our own. We cant break the bondages sin holds on us..only He can.

As we learn more and more about Him, through His word, through tools He has given us, such as this site, studies, music, different things and people He gives us to learn about Who He is, He is the One who transforms and renews our ways of thinking. Its a process..and, its a wonderful journey. We will all fall and fail, and over time, in seeking Who He really is, the condemnation turns into conviction...Holy, cleansing, bondage breaking conviction that is done in the One who loves you beyond your imaginations. Teh bible says we love Him because He first loved us..and its so true. Its because of His love for us, when we learn about what He has truly done for us, we fall in love with Him. He does the transformations in us through His working and truth and love.

Sis, you hear Him calling you..or you would not be here. He's not given up on you. In fact, He wants to show you how much He loves you regardless of where you have been and what you have done. He wants to show you how free you can He alone can fill that empty deep need you have within you.

You are so not alone in this.

Keep seeking, sis. Let Him show you.

in Jesus,
love momo *Pray*

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:26 pm
by Christnundrconstruxn
Hey forgiven
Yes I like the name also because just as the name says we all are...forgiven
I to am struggleing with the addiction and have fell so much I'm tempted to just stay down but then I remember stepping stone #12 what happens when you fall, do you lay there or....GET UP!!!
if you have not done these counseling steps PLEASE DO
also remember the verse:1 corinthians 10:13
No temptation has over taken you that is not common to man, God is faithful and he will not tempt you beyond your strength, but with the temptation will allow a way of escape so that you may endure it.
Just as mlg said distance from the temptation is what works for me but understand you will unwittingly let yourself be led back there if your not careful and someone on here made a statement that when that happens you speak it out loud NO!!! I will not allow you satan!!! you may feel silly but try it it does work because your speaking truth to the problem.
we have to be there to help each other up as I hope we have done with you, keep fighting we love you!!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:36 pm
by mlg
Do not be dismayed...each day is filled with a chance to become that much closer to doing the things God would have you to do. Just keep pushing through.

Now as for patience...I too struggle with this at times, but I'm learning to be more God works in His time and not ours. Just keep your head up sis and prasie Him while you wait.

luv ya