Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.


Postby Christianity Oasis » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:28 pm

I would like to know what YOU think.

Most people are not registering for this forum for various reasons and most are saying that it is cuz of the strict screening process policy.

Others say they will be embarrassed to have YOU see their name here.

Do we want what we share within this forum kept so secretive that there be only 12-15 souls within it while 90% of the souls within the Oasis suffer from various stages of the same thing, but do not wanna experience a strict policy of entry or various fears?

I would like to know if you would be open to an open forum which would provide all members (except teens) to be able to come forth and share here as they feel led.

You would still have option of sharing what you want when you want and others would be able to prosper from what is shared here who are NOT coming in now.

Plus, "confidential" issues could be discussed with your ABC partner.

Please let us know.

Luv ya
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Postby susidivah » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:38 pm

Hi O et al,

I personally think this forum needs to go public, partly for similar reasons to what O eluded to.

I was not privy to how many were actually registered for the forum, but I kind of gathered it was not a whole lot.

I believe that with opening it up, it can reach to those at more "stages" should I say with these struggles. For example some sheep may join the Oasis and think oh this SOS forum is probably not for me. I don't have THAT much of a problem with it that it would be called an addiction. But if it was open, more may read the posts and God's will glean from them.

However, I do think the forum needs to still be closely monitored. I would hope this wouldn't happen, but there may be some that could come in and use it for kicks (I've seen this happen on another website). Among other issues that may arise, like the judgement thing. People still need to be free to express themselves.

I hope this makes it clear on my position, not that its right or wrong :)

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Postby lizzie » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:18 pm

There are people who may NEVER post on a forum because of shame or fear of judgement, whether public or otherwise, BUT, those same people, if they have the opportunity to, will read others posts, and perhaps gain strength and guidance towards healing from just reading of someone else's struggles and victories.

So its def something to consider. Like susi said, if ppl click here and see its locked, they may not wanna go the extra step to joining up. People are iffy.

So making it easily accessible might just help with this.

Im kinda wondering, if a locked forum perpetuates the 'keep it hidden cuz its shameful' mentality. Of course I know thats not what anyone here intends to happen, but it may be taken that way by others.

Just a few thoughts.
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Postby Lani » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:44 pm

Hey Y'all!!

I know I am rather new to this forum having only been approved a few days ago... and have spent countless time in prayer before truly entering, to ensure I am sharing as He wishes..... but.......

I also know of a few members who have opened up here because it is so safely guarded. My fear is that those who have begun to open up and find healing, will in response delete what they've shared and retreat within.

Perhaps there is a way to reach out to others explaining why the process is in place, confidentiality among other reasons. So that, if they are led here, they will also be encouraged to share.

A more informative write up in the "You must be a member" thingy ya get when you first click here, might encourage them to proceed? Just an idea :)

God's Will be done.

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

Last edited by Lani on Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:30 pm

Hi...I've been thinking and praying on my response here all day. I know that some feel safe from prying eyes in a closed forum...that is why they have choosen to become a member. But then others are missing an opportunity as they are afraid and embarrassed to join a forum that will expose their sexual addiction...and therefore hesitate thinking they are too bad to join the SOS forum....but if only they could see that so many share their same struggles....

So...what if there were two seperate forums? One for those who do not feel comfortable sharing anywhere but in a closed forum and feel they need the safety to share their struggles...and one for those who feel their story might help another and are willing to share to possibly show another they aren't alone in their struggle.

Just a suggestion.
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Postby Ann_is_Alive » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:06 am

OK after being in SOS chat for the first time earlier this evening, I have thought about the forum opening up to the public.

I have reservations, but you will do what you want.

I honestly do not know if I will or will not post. I hope I will.

Like I said in chat, I do not think that this 'closed' forum doesn't necessarily mean we are hiding.

But I understand why some feel that way

I also get that maybe the screening process might turn people away.

I also understand that opening it up will bring those that are weary.

I am just worried that some will not post because everyone is looking. To me that does not mean they are hiding. To me, it's like PMing someone. Maybe you just need to have a private chat and you don't want everyone else to know. No one is necessarily hiding just because they are PMing, right?

Maybe that's not a good example I don't know.

There were ideas brought up in chat, that I liked also.

I also understand that sometimes things do not turn out the way we envision them. I understand that sometimes this forum is quiet and that chat isn't always active. But I don't know that opening up the forum will change that.

OK I just rambled and I'm done now.

Thanks for listening.
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