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Greetings Fellow SOS 'ers

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:16 pm
by Guest
First of all I stay away for a few days nd every thing changes around here. lol I am glad that some new things are going to happen here and I hope to be a part of it.

I have been doing fairly well. I have managed to stay of the Porn sites plus I have a blocker that I have no idea how to change or delete. I am still dealing with the temptation and I still can't help but to look at a pretty girl from time to time. *Whistle*

I hope to break this habit really soon because summer is coming and I have enough to deal with like my drinking. Summer time is a hard time for me because the girls hardly ware anything and the warm summer air makes me thirst for a drink. *ReallyConfused*

I am 28 days porn free ,alcohol free and tobaco free.
For all who read this I want you to know that I could not do this without the help of the Lord, and the wonderful encouragement I get from this site. Will I fall? I might, after all I am not perfect. I will hover get back up and and try again. I would rather not fall though because I hate starting over. *Thinking*

Anyway Hope all is well .
Remember to take it one day at a time
Progress not Perfection

Let Go and Let God

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:46 pm
by susidivah
Whooooo hooooooo BBB!!!! *angelbounce*

GREAT report there bro! I had to laugh a lil when you talked about the blocker you have that you have no idea how to change or delete :) This is cuz I don't think I've found one of those yet (the one I have now has been in place a few months tho praise God)...

and YES YES YES progress, not perfection... remember your one day at a time too Blue, by the summer you can have more of this whipped and more of our Lord and Spirit inside you (stronger armor too)... it really does take time...

Thanks for sharing BBB and God bless you!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:53 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
Hey Bluebird
I hope you are well in your struggle and you are still fighting the addictions, I just wanted to tell you I also gave up drinking and have not touched it for 8 years...I would drink a 5th of tequela like water and still be able to walk and talk. I also gave up pot, been doing it for 25 yrs and I couldn't go a day without it (if I did you didn't want to know me) about 5 years ago.
and three and a half years ago I put down the cigs of aprox.30 yrs now I am fighting the last 3 real demons that satan has slipped into my life and they are the hardest of all, the cussing, temper and porn.
I know most would say no they are not as hard but I'm here to tell you they are!! I did the other 3 with NO...NONE cravings!!!
because I gave them whole heartingly to the Lord and He took them away!!! and I give him ALL the praise for me being free of them
but I am still struggleing with the day at a time
and I hope that we are able to fight satan and you and I both are able to release these addictions to the Lord and be free.
hang in there blue I will be praying for ya!!