Let It Go

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Let It Go

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:20 am

Last night, the question came up about sin and forgiveness. It was asked if we could continue in the same sin after we were forgiven. I believe that the answer is NO.

This is how I understand it. OH, by the way, I am guilty of this and I am only sharing what I have been learning.

Lets say that I pop in a porn movie or get on the net and surf some porn sites then after I am done I feel guilt and shame so I ask God for forgiveness. He forgives me, but then I turn around and get right back into the porn. How am I showing God that I love him? Am I showing Him that He is more important to me then porn? I think not. I can't be a good witness for Christ when I am still looking at porn. Now, I completely understand how hard it seems to be to stay away from sexual sins, but we must do what ever it takes to stay away from those things that bring us down. Besides my sexual sins I have also had problems with drinking and I enjoyed smoking some herbs. For me to stop doing these things I had to stop hanging out with those people who are still doing drugs and drinking. Until I get strong enough I can't hang out with them anymore or I will give into the temptation and join them. I would rather lose a few friends then to lose my saviour. I have seen what He can do, I have seen changed lives. It all comes down to us. It is the choices that we make that can make us or break us.

We are all in this together and no matter what we chose I believe God still loves us.

Father, every day we chose to do something, sometimes it may not be what you want from us. Please forgive us and help us to make the right choices so that we can be more affective for you. Please help us to over come all teptation that comes our way. Please help us to get rid of the things in our life that help us to fall. We thank you and it is in Jesus name we ask. Amen

Be well brothers and sisters.
Luv in Christ

P.S. I just want everyone to know that I am, in no way, tring to be judgemental. I have had this subject layed on my heart heavily in the last week. Through the bible, a Max Luccado book (In the Grip of Grace), and through a sermon last Sunday at the church I go to. I to need to apply this to my own life.
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Postby Guest » Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:50 am

I wanted to clear something up about what I wrote yesterday. I did not mean that we will loose our salvation if we continue to sin.. If I lost my salvation when I turned my back on God why would I even care to get right with Him and repent? All I was saying is that we should try to stop commiting the same old sin. In the bible it says that we can not serve two master. Gods love for us is never ending and we are all sinners, we were born siners becuse of what Adem and Eve did. Sorry if I said the wrong thing and upset anyone.
Romans 6
Matt. 6:24

Luv in Christ
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Postby hopenconfidence » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:10 pm

Hello all, I haven't been on here for awhile for I have been battling to keep my unemployment and home. Also, been looking for a job so everything else has been on the back burner.

As I read through this subject, just like Bluebird, I, too, have been a drinker and smoker. My problem is that most of my family still does that so at the beginning of my transformation, I had to work extra hard from falling back into temptation. Finally, after a couple of years, I can now tolerate their behavior while at the same time pray for their salvation. As of right now, my thoughts have been not so good for the stress I'm dealing with. I'll explain later on that one. I'm hoping to be back on the chat room soon so I don't miss out on anything. But as far as things go, we are saved when we receive Jesus and if we don't repent from our sins then that is when the Holy Spirit comes in and show us a conviction of why we should go the other direction. For once you do, great things do come back. I hope that makes sense. Take care all.

hope :)
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:50 pm


awwww, I got what you are saying. No prob. Guess my brain works kinda like yours so I tracked with you. It's all good. No worries. happy hugs from this direction to your direction. it's all good.

Hey everyone, sounds like everyone is on the same page, Huh? that's cool (woot).

Happy hugs to everyone today. Just popping in to say hello.
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