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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:01 am
by baileyblack09
so... i had been doing good up till tonight.. i failed.. and it sucks. i didnt listen to God and i ended up hurting myself and Him. im sorry i failed yall.. :(

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:04 am
by Whisperingsprings
hang in okay. i'm cheering for you and me too.

Good Morning

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:16 am
by Wonderfilled One
Hey Bailey and Whisper, *SavedbyGrace* *SavedbyGrace*

Good Morning! :) Isn't Gods Grace one of the greatest things we have been given? *ohyeah* What an awful feeling it would be to not know that He loves us unconditionally, and His forgiveness washes us clean again. We need not dwell in the past, for it is no longer, or in the future, for it has yet to come. The only time that exists is this the here and now. Lets take a couple of slow, deep breaths, and a few minute to be thankful for the things that we have been blessed with..... *Pray*
We need to learn from our past failures, but we need to spend less time and energy there, and spend it moving forward, with the weight of our sins removed by our heavenly Father. One less sin to carry, one step closer to Him. Like a child running through a field with outstretched arms, towards Gods loving embrace, He won't drop his arms when we trip and fall. He just wants us to get back up, and keep going in His direction.
The Father loves each of us, and wants only the best for us. Lets not forget that He also wants us to take our troubles to Him, where we can hand them over for Him to bear.
I hope and pray you both have a blessed day, warmed by His love for you,


PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:22 am
by mlg
Bailey *hug* psssttt...I want you to know that Jesus still loves you...He doesn't want you to be upset with yourself for falling...He wants you to allow Him to forgive you...and He wants you to forgive yourself...and then carry on. You know what to do sis...Get up and get back to it.

Praying for ya sis. Tomorrow is a new day. Restore the joy.

luv ya