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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:13 pm
by hopenconfidence
For some it is a very touchy subject for each person doesn't want to be exposed because he/she does it. I used to years ago and believe me it was something that led me to trouble for then I would use masturbation to settle me down until I found my "fix". When I became a Believer in Jesus, I realized that it wasn't as cracked up as some would say. So today, I don't even go down there for I know there are other things to do. Also, God gave us sex as a blessing for when each one of us gets married so I think masturbation would be part of the blessing. (don't quote on me about that, my opinion) So depending on the person and what the answer is from God, just know that it is between you and God and no one else for in this world, people would do anything to make others miserable.

A final note, in the chat, I mentioned that thought creeping up for I have been under a lot of stress. Fortunately, I am able to have that control for I am giving it to Him. I figured if I was suppose to do then God will provide me a man for marriage so that it can happen (once again, my opinion)

Thanks for letting me rant

hope *saint*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:46 pm
by Guest
hi, i'm not bashing anyone else's beliefs, but personally, I believe that masturbation is wrong... it is something I have struggled with for a very long time, but have always believed that what I was doing was wrong.

Song of Songs 3:5 says this: "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." While this could be used to support different viewpoints, I believe that when "it so desires" is after marriage, and believe that masturbation before that time awakens desires not meant to be awakened until marriage. I've already failed at that, but that's just what I believe.