Springs, streams, and rushing rivers: whisp blog

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby Whisperingsprings » Sat May 15, 2010 5:30 pm

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update - rushing rivers:

Taxes = $28,000 give or take $100. Not the first time down this road for spouse. Second time down the road with me.

Where is all the money going to come from to pay for the taxes? I thought I knew however, right now I'm not so sure. More evasiveness on his end over here (sigh).

It wouldn't be so bad I suppose if there wasn't so much evasiveness. And yet no ideas or suggestions are forth coming from his end, which mean - where did the money go? And again, what has been going on? (sigh).

Nonetheless, God is good.

It's very strange. All this time, I had been coming here because, I didn't want to be a widow and knew that if I were no one would want to marry me. Now, I'm looking at divorce. Now this is crazy!!!! (sigh)

Dang how complicated can things get, seriously. surely it can't get that nuts, ya know. Hadn't specifically considered divorce however, if he makes specific choices, I will not have a choice!!!! Again, counsel that I'm receiving from another person - again a believer!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW SIGH.

And yet, unfortunately, here I sit in this ridiculous situation that I certainly wasn't banking on - hmm no pun intended.

Well, thank you for all the prayers. I promise with all my heart, it is the prayers of the saints that are keeping me calm. Otherwise, I would be crazy and probably would need to check myself into a psych unit for a few days.

I am in a corner though and have been for a while. I am required to care for my children. I did give my spouse information for celebrate recovery. I think it will probably work out fine and everything but I honestly don't believe this is what God planned for our lives. I know it isn't. He prefers obedience from the start. Otherwise like all parents, He has to clean up the mess.

It's interesting though. Over the last 2.5 to 3 years, I've been receiving the same message from believers. To take care of myself and the kids. The message hasn't changed and has come from people who know me well, to those who don't know me at all - I was just chatty and opened up like a draining dish. I guess God doesn't want to have the kids in too much of a complicated situation than what they are already going to go through. It is what it is. And nonetheless, God, You are Good.
Last edited by Whisperingsprings on Sat May 15, 2010 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Sat May 15, 2010 5:34 pm

What a loving God we serve whispering...willing to clean up the messes we create...and sis...God has an answer to all these trials you are facing...don't worry...just hand it over to Him...and ask His direction...allow Him to show you what to do and how to get through...I know money is a worry...and the taxes as well...maybe you can talk to the tax office and get a payment arrangement or something...not sure...but it's worth a try....

Know I'm praying for you *hug*

luv ya lots
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Postby Guest » Tue May 18, 2010 3:29 am

hi whispering, was just reading some of your posts, i'm impressed with your strength and wit. you have a lot of friends who love and care for you. you have a heavenly father and a heavenly big brother who love and care about you. you have the presence of the Holy Spirit with you always. i've been married for fourty two years to my wonderfull wife and we have been through some serious irs issues as well as lack of income and even food shortage. God always has been our strength and comfort. stay in you bible, read and pray that the eyes of your understanding will be opened. like the words of the song says "turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderfull face, and the things of earth will go stangely dim in the light of his glory and grace"........my wife has stormy o'martians book "the power of a praying wife" i think she has read it about six times, she can tell you how prayer has pulled me back from the brink of desperate depression several times. i'm rambling.....i pray that Gods peace and wisdom and understanding will decend on you and your household and that as you fill your house with light the darkness will go away...........wl30176
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Wed May 19, 2010 1:53 pm

Still calm - whisperingsprings:

Well, I am still calm. Praise the Lord, huh?!

We haven't discussed where the money is going to come from though. I have to bring up the subject again - arrrgggghhh. I wish that I didn't: it makes me feel so mean and yucky to have to do this. It's very stressful, cause I don't want any conflict or hard conversations either. Yet, that's what got us in this mess. Not having the hard conversations, I mean. Yet, I simply can't make anyone do what they don't want to do and I have to be responsible.

Soooo, off I go down this path. Nonetheless, God is good.

I think I'm going to take a nap then get up and bake so the house can smell good or something. The stress is challenging. The kids are in school. So far, I have at least put dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. I wiped off the counters and gave the dog a few treats. I took my antidepressant, too. Yesterday, I stayed in bed all day and all night. bad mommy. Dang, I gotta work through. and yet, at this point. i just want to lay down. I'll write more tonight. Maybe that will help me stay accountable or something.
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Postby mlg » Wed May 19, 2010 3:04 pm

Hi sis...just remember to ask the Lord to walk with you when you reach out to hubby and begin to discuss the money. God will give you just the right words to say and also give you control when talking to hubby. Just keep the hope that God has a plan for all situations and that He will resolve this.

Praying for you still

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Wed May 19, 2010 7:55 pm


@wl30176: Thank you for your support it was much appreciated. The prayers on behalf of my family are much needed. Thank you for this as well.

@mlg: Yes, I will pray. Thank for all your prayers as well. Oh my . . . I guess that's all I can really say.

Just to check back in for the accountability purposes: Hubby asked me if I was going to work tonight. Of course, I decided. So, I jumped at that chance to avoid confrontation and stress. And guess what????? The stress just took a back seat. Now seriously, what was I thinking?

Oh yeah, I remember, I was thinking: "pay the mortgage honey. you gotta pay the mortgage." I also think I was pondering groceries, and paying the $1000 vet bill as our dog was bitten by another dog in the dog park.

Nonetheless God is good. Our dog is doing well. She has already managed to mangle one cone collar and now has another: thanks to my hubby who took her to the vet this morning. (She needed to have her drainage tube removed. So home she came with a new collar. Thank goodness!!!!)

I started looking at the bills about 10-15minutes ago. Actually, I'm just now making out the headings on my home ledger. But hey that's a start, right?!

Well, gotta go get dressed for work and look at my account online to actually begin dealing with the situation at hand. I'll write more later. This helps me keep my actions in check.
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Postby mlg » Wed May 19, 2010 10:11 pm

Have a wonderful time at work sis...God is good all the time.

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Thu May 20, 2010 8:57 pm

Thanks for you responses and stopping by mlg. It's nice to know someone out there reads my insanity from time to time *laughter* .

Springs: trickling, tickling, giggling *laughter*

Well, today, I've decided that laughter will be the best medicine. Soooo, I will be off looking for silly jokes on the internet and in my home. There are actually some nice places on the internet where the jokes are clean. That and some professional groups have silly jokes too. Sooo, off I go to find something to tickle my silly bones.

Ya know sometimes, I just have to choose to find something to laugh about. My dog trying to eat her bacon bit. It was stuck to the outside of her clear cone collar - Just couldn't seem to figure out how to get that treat into her mouth no matter what.

I did pay some of the bills yesterday before I went to work. So, I was faithful with that. I also had a nice night at work so that was good too. Tonight, no work - no one needs me, and I will bake or something.

Working through how to manage hubby respectfully and gently. Haven't quite figured this one out; but, I'm working on it. We do need to figure out how to pay the taxes. Still wish I didn't have to bring up the topic, again. I guess that's what complicates the respectful and gentle stuff. Oh well, God is good and through love He will help me get there.

Giggles and goodnight to you all.
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Postby mlg » Thu May 20, 2010 9:09 pm

Hey sis...*hug* if you want to giggle...well I've got a thread in the Jokes and Humor forum called A Day in the Life of...and it's silly...so check it out.

luv ya
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Postby Guest » Fri May 21, 2010 2:39 am

where in the bible does it talk about smoking? give up? moses rode into the village and lit off his camel.
how do we know the disiples went to japan? They were all in one accord

i'm done, i know they're corny but i like them.
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Fri May 21, 2010 6:33 pm

*laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter*

I loved the jokes.

I do have one small problem if ya don't mind praying: he spent almost all the investment monies he had. I am the only one with monies left and due to what I was finding he was on his way to spend mine too.

I can accept the fact that my husband has a spending addiction. I am not doing well with the fact that he was willing to take all that I had as well. I am also not doing well with the fact that I don't know where all the money went.

Could you please pray for me? I have to work tonight and several other nights to manage the finances. Thank you.

And no I'm not handling this well. I look like the singer here: *band* . Only I'm not singing!!!! I am cursing as loudly as possible with music to somewhat cover up the words. Thank you. I'm just being honest.
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Postby mlg » Fri May 21, 2010 8:37 pm

*hug* sis I will definitely be praying. Have you asked your husband where the money went sis?

Also, maybe it's time for a garage sale...clean out some things in the house you can do without....and maybe put them for sale to help you manage a bit of money...

God's will be done in all things sis...glad you liked the jokes.

luv ya
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