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Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:56 am
by Tam
Sunday April 3

10 ish I had a bowl of alpha-bits and a water
1 ish I had a turkey on wheat and an orange and water
6 ish I had a piece of baked fish and some milk.
9ish orange
Wasn't feeling to good yesterday so ate only what I could get by on. Mood was ok just feeling icky. Not sure if I was tired or if it was all the bites or a combination of all. Who knows. MOnday willl be a new day.

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:51 pm
by Tam
Monday April 4

6:45 sausage biscuit and water
9:45 cup of fruit and milk mood was ummmmm so so
boss was second guessing everything I did today. Don't know why...but when we went back over things they were right.
12:45 turkey sandwich on wheat with lettuce and milk and water....mood was ok
3:45 apple and water
6:45 grilled chicken, rice and broccoli, greenbeans and water.
Mood was very hurt. Found a letter from daughter where she said that she hated me.
who knows...God knows I am trying and I will keep trying to reach her.

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:11 pm
by Tam
April 5

Ready or not.... here I go

6:45 daughter fixed my breakfast....I had a small sausage biscuit ( 1 of the 2 packs) and chocolate milk.
no snack....didn't feel good
12:45 1 bean and beef burrito, no sauce and a water
slept through snack this time.
6:00 a McDonalds cheeseburger, apple slices and water
9:00 popcorn and water

Mood today was ok....just wish the headache would disappear. Didn't do to good on eating today but tomorrow is a new day!!!!

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:52 pm
by fox2

FOX2 *hug*

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:45 am
by Tam
April 6
6:45 Sausage biscuit and water
9:45 turkey and lettuce sandwich on wheat and Milk
12:45 Milk
4:30 Chicken and dumplings and water
9:40 Orange and water

Mood all day was so so

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:49 am
by Tam
April 7

6:45 sausage biscuit ( 1 of a 2 pack) and water
1:00 salad with eggs, ham, chicken, onions, eggs, pickles, carrots, bacon, no dressing and unsweet tea
7:00 2 slices of Pizza and sprite

Mood today was sad

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:23 pm
by Daisy50
Tam.....Have you ever been tested for food allergies? I was noticing the days you post when you say you feel sad. Could there be a tie in to what you're eating that causes your emotions to act up? For myself, I'm allergic to gluten. The program I am doing, I'm supposed to not have bread products for the first 6 weeks.

I've noticed on days that I've cheated and eaten a bagel(with cream cheese of course), then I'm moodier. Don't know if it's because I know I've cheated, or because of the gluten in the bagel.

Next time you talk to your primary doctor, see if they can run a blood test to determine if you might have a food allergy. They may be able to put u on a restrictive plan-to only eat what's on the plan, to help your your emotions from going from high to low or sad every day. Worth a try. Just a lil' advice. You don't have to take it if you don't want to.

I love you.... *hug*


Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:31 am
by Tam
April 8

8:30 Grits and water
11:30 chicken wing, cole slaw, biscuit and water
6:30 1/2 roast beef po-boy

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:37 am
by Tam
April 9

well ummmmmmmm was super busy today and really hot so ummmmmmmmm
about 8:30ish I had some dry cereal

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:28 am
by dema
Have you gone to a doctor? They should not only test your thyroid, but also your cortisol levels. Both things can make you not lose weight on 1200 calories a day. The cortisol is a too much issue and it is increased when we are stressed. So stress can make people gain weight even when they aren't eating more.

It is one thing to have gained weight for years eating food as a comfort. It is another to eat almost nothing and not lose weight. Please ask your doctor if he/she is aware of the cortisol relationship to weight, and if she/he isn't then find one that is and get tests run. I know, it costs money. Health issues from being overweight cost money also. I really hope you will find out if this is the issue.

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:15 am
by Tam
Sunday April 10

8:00 donut and milk
11:00 Turkey sandwich with lettuce and cheese and water
2:00 water water water
6:00 Cheeseburger helper and water
8:00 tablespoon ice cream (ha ha) Just couldn't help myself. :D

was busy working on fence again. Go to see the nutritionist today. UGH

Yes I have had all kinds of labs done. Just meant to be fat is all I can say. dunno

Re: Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:40 am
by Daisy50

*hugss* girl....Nobody's "meant" to be fat. We did it to ourselves. By the choices we made to put what we did/didn't in our mouths.

Losing weight is hard, sis! I used to beat myself up about it, but heard someone say, one time "we didn't gain the weight overnight...we're not going to lose it overnight."

Suprisingly, that made sense to me...and made me realize that I didn't have to feel I was in a race to see how fast I could lose weight anymore.

There are no "quick fixes". It's all about eating better, smaller portions and eating more often to keep the "fuel in our furnace" stoked, which gives us the energy we need to be able to accomplish even the smallest of tasks.

Good luck with the nutritionist! They'll set you on a good path, and soon you'll find that by eating better you'll start to feel better.

I'll keep you in prayer.
