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Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:34 pm
by stillstanding
i keep getting disconnected in chat when im in the middle of a convo...then i hafta exit the site and delete cookies to come back...then whoever i was talking to is gone :(

so today....
620 water
630 coffee
800 gum
900 diet coke
10 coffee
1100 popcorn cauliflower and cranberry juice
1130 vitamins i have not been putting that in...oops
12-5 3 diet cokes some cranberry juice
500 coffee
830 coffee

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:01 pm
by Lani


Awww yeah the chat thing gets.... grrrr :)

Glad to see ya postin sis!

Luv ya!

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:41 pm
by stillstanding
im in a good mood today wooot!

620 water
630 coffee
730 diet coke
900 coffee
1030 diet coke
1200 FLOUNDER and roasted veggies yummmm

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:28 am
by stillstanding
i confess i have not posted in a couple days because of the things happening in our physical world...japan, etc. i have such an interest in not only end times/signs of the times, but scientifically in geology, plate tectonics, the history of this little ball we call earth. it is sooooooooo amazing how He threw this thing together in infinite wisdom and perfection...WOW!

so i have neglected posting. sry. but my menu doesnt change coffee more coffee diet coke....blahblahblah.

so i had flounder that i posted whatever day that was. then the next day i had some cow and roasted veggies. then last night i ordered pizza cuz mr. T had taken the middles fishing and i dint know when they would be back. the pizza was gross. i hate lots of sauce and these were smothered. God is good :D

so this morning its sunday, stupid time change day...WHY? i hate it. so an hour behind in everything now. i hate that feeling like its 10:30 in the morning and i haven't accomplished anything. i have only even had one jug-o-java...eek.

12:21 (11:21 in reality grr) got some trail mix at wally's yesterday...its reallly sweet - wowsers... but it has dates YUM. anyway eating some looked at the label 1/4c.=110cal lololol...and cranberry juice bluck.

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:31 pm
by stillstanding
coffee blah blah coffee coffee and oh yeah coffee gum gum coffee diet coke diet coke coffee gum...or some such combo

12:50 open face tuna melt on spinach
6:00 sonic tater tots and route 44 diet cherry limeade


Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:38 pm
by stillstanding
coffee diet coke gum diet coke

930 crackers with cheddar melted in the nuker...hungry early thats bad
200 popcorn

diet coke diet coke diet coke coffee

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:50 am
by stillstanding
tryin something new...we shall see

i have been drinking coffee all day every day for...wait lemme count...23 years. the other in chat a convo started about addictions and we were all sayin how theres something we werent willing to give up. Holy Spirit called me on it even as i was typing it into the chat box. so here goes...i can do anything thru Christ who strengthens me.

first, i'll take coffee out. then diet coke. He wants all of me. I dont wanna give Him less.

*JesusSign* *band*

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:32 am
by stillstanding
day 1 coffee free...woooot! God is good! washed and put away the coffee maker. didnt have any more or less diet coke than usual. drank a couple cups of water too.

today is day 2 coffee free. not needing it! Praise God for His faithfullness! i am really really tired today tho. saturday night aaron had weird nightmares and dint sleep and last night went to sleep around 11:30 and he woke up at 3 with a fever and dint go back to sleep til after 5...i get up at 6:30. ugh. oh well. maybe i can force myself to nap if he will.

*JesusSign* *band*

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:38 am
by stillstanding
im not an orange fan, but i got some at sams for the kids...little like tangerines, but said they were seedless california navel...

turns out they are sooooooooooo sweet and meat. and i got apples for $1 a lb...half normal price for here. so i have been eating those.

*JesusSign* *band*

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:08 pm
by stillstanding
finishing off yesterday...had some rice and roasted veggies. good stuff maynard.

day 3 already? wooooot! God is so amazingly wonderful. He continues to bless me more than i could hope for! No coffee no crazy withdrawals Praise God for His faithfulness. i can see healthy in my future and i WANT it! He continues to reveal lil precious nuggets to me in all things! My heart's lifelong desire - to be loved for who i am... He is showing me who i am and how much He loves me! Col. 3:23 Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. woot!

*JesusSign* *band*

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:28 am
by stillstanding
finishing off yesterday...some enchilada casserole

day 4 coffee free woot!

630 diet coke
730 an orange and 2 handsful of trail mix
830 bottle of water
930 diet coke

Re: in for repairs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:51 pm
by stillstanding
12 noon orange diet coke
1245 roasted veggies