Another Step in to the Right Direction

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Another Step in to the Right Direction

Postby blessedprincess » Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:09 am

Last night i recieved a call from this guy, asking me if he can come and pick me up to bring me by his house. I told him no, i am not coming, so he asked why i said because i know what you want, and i don't want that (you see when you can't trust yourself, it's best to stay away from the situation/temptation).

And he was talking about we are suppose to be lovers, i said to him so if we are lovers as you say, why are you taking me to your house, and why everytime we talk it's about sex. There are plenty of other things we can talk about, he was like he can't think of anything, i say ok, cool i decided to play a trick on him, couple days ago, i told him that i was pregnant just to get his reaction, he was like ok and asking me if he was the only one i was with i told him yes. But when he called last night saying oh from the time i told him that he couldn't sleep, and of course i asked why he said because of what i told him, and say oh, he have enough kids and he ain't want no more, but if it happen it happen. SO OF COURSE I SAID "if it happen, it happened?????????" It's a child we are talking about not the weather, you have control over it, so if you know that you don't want another child then don't have unprotected sex, then i said to him i have not took the test, i just told you that to get your reaction.

So i said to him basically you ain't looking no relationship you just looking for a screw when you need it, he was all baffled by my questions, you see back then when we started out i was about 17/18 yrs. i'm now 25 so i'm not that person anymore (i haven't said that part to him, i'm saying it to you) he knows that i am married and my husband and i are having problems, then he gonna use this card on me "oh you suppose to be my woman, so when i want sex, what you want me to do, and if i go with another woman then it will be problems" i said dude don't play that game with me, i'm not married to you so you're not obligated to be faithful to me, and we both know that so don't try and play that card on me, cuz it won't work. I then ask him you say we have a relationship that we are lovers so basically this "relationship" consists of you picking me up from wherever taking me to your house to have sex, basically, like i said he was baffled, but i dont' care that's what it sounds like to me, don't you agree, men especially?

Times have changed, I have changed, Thanks Be to God, for making this change possible, for showing me the light and the wisdom and courage to ask him to help me make this change, oh God is soooooo good to me, i honestly don't think the english language does him justice because there isn't any words that is fit enough to describe how good God really is. Just look at what he has been able to do within less than a year of my life. He gave me a backbone to stand up and not fall for anything, to see the lies and deception that has been fed to me time and time again.

Yesturday in church we sang the following song, and it stuck with me, i just saw it fitting for this time of my life:

I need You more
More than yesterday
I need You Lord
More than words can say
I need You more
Than ever before
I need You Lord
I need You Lord

More than the air I breathe
More than the song I sing
More than the next heartbeat
More than anything
And Lord as time goes by
I'll be by Your side
Cause I never want to go back
To my old life
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Postby mlg » Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:38 am

God is so much better than any temptation that comes our direction. Praise God you fought the good fight and overcame the temptation this time.

I agree that if something is not good for you, and has a possibility of making you fall, it is best to stay away from it.

luv ya sis
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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:42 am



staying clear of those situations that may cause us to slip is so very important!

Its like playing with fire, sooner or later you will get burned.

Im so glad you overcame this temptation. Im proud of ya and i know our Father is as well.

Gbu sis

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