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This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

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Postby Guest » Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:37 pm

I am a new member and a little curious as to why I don't see any new postings for Oct.? I am not sure how this works yet. :oops:

I will tell you something about me. I am a 35 year old male with a sex addiction. This all started when I hit purpidty. I remember as a young child finding my dads porn mags and looking at them. As I got older and more on my own I started getting in the porn sceen more. I met this older man who I would work for from time to time and he always had some sort of porn on the tv and still dose to this day. I finally worked my way up to Adult theaters and spent lots of money and time there. Now, around the time I stared going to these theaters I had been with my girlfriend of 9 years (I met her when I was 18) and she didn't know what I was doing. I always had to come up with some reason why I was in the city(ok I mean a lie). We ended up getting married but that did not last long. I still had this lust for other women and acted on it, now I am divorced . On top of that I am with the women who I had an affair with. The thing is I never got over my addiction and to this day I still struggle with it. I have even tryed sleeping with another man and yes I am ashamed that I did that. I don't know how private this site really is and to be honest I don't care. It feals really good to open up about this.

I have repented of my sins and rededicated my life to the Lord but I still struggle EVERY DAY with this sin. I go out in the world and see beautiful women;I lust, watch tv; I lust and I need freedom from that. I know God will free me but I also know that we all need that extra help.
until later I hope nobody is tired from reading *laughter* I just have alot to talk about. God Bless
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Postby mlg » Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:01 pm

Bluebird you signed up for the forum yay!! Aww isn't it a relief to finally bring the sins of your life into the Light. This is the first step towards true healing. No it's not going to be an easy road, because as with any addiction, sexual addiction takes work to heal from. But, with God all things are possible and He wants to help you get past this addiction of lust.

So how do you fight this addiction? Begin by removing anything that is a trigger for temptation. If it's porn...remove magazines, video tapes, and put a blocker on your computer. If it's lusting after women in the world, remove yourself from situations that you know will be tempting for you. Then surround yourself within Christian company and fellowship.

Your on your way now bluebird....glad your seeking help here.

luv ya
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:37 am

hello bluebird

You're in an all-out war, and there are no neutral parties.
In practical terms this means that the porn stash gets burned. Ties to those who tempt you will have to be broken.
Whatever it takes, do it now. There must be no compromise cut off the stumbling blocks under your control or allow lust to keep taking you down. We live in a culture filled with sexual sewage, and the temptations . we have to learn to live in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Its a process and it doesnt happen over nite, just like a man who trains to go to battle in a war it takes work, dedication, drive to fight the good fight, committment on yr part. We got to be on our toes and and be sober every minute so the enemy dont get a foothold. Know that you are not alone in this battle Jesus is right there with you and we are here to support and encourage you as well. Gbu and u will be in my prayers and look forward to seing u suit up for the battle and live victoriously through Him, just remember if we fall we get back up.. no sense in beating ourselves up for it .. just dust yourself off and try again.

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Postby Poefenjaf » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:59 am

Hi bluebird

You asked: "I don't know how private this site really is and to be honest I don't care. It feals really good to open up about this."

Well, bro, I have been here for a couple of years now, and I know that I have found a home and a safe haven here - with LOTS of people who truly care and pray.

It DOES feel good to share, doesn't it? Somehow sharing these things and bringing them into the Light, takes some of the power and hold it has over us, away. And the really nice thing is ... there are always others who can identify with what we have been through and done - even when we think no-one else could POSSIBLY make the same stupid mistakes we did ;)

I too got kinda sucked into watching my dad's porn stuff every now and again. I remember, as a little girl, how I switched on the TV and VCR and my dad had left one of his movies in there. I had NO clue what I was seeing, but ... it stuck in my head and when I became a teen and realised what was ACTUALLY happening in those movies ... well, I don't think I need to explain much further.

If there's one thing I can testify to, is that God CAN help us to break free from these things. I can't say that I am no longer tempted, because I am, but HIS strength and presence in me gives me the ability to not give in to these things I feel.

From my side, I have removed all temptations from my life. I have even gone so far as to not watch movies that I KNOW would have any sex scenes in them. Some may say that is excessive, but I don't care. I am protecting myself, and through that, also the man that I have fallen in love with. I want not only my body, but my spirit and mind to be pure before him and before God.

It is a struggle, no doubt, but the more I allow God to help me, the more I find freedom.

Keep pursuing freedom ... Daddy God will NEVER disappoint!
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Postby susidivah » Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:47 pm

Hey bluebird, welcome!

I'm glad you shared and know this is a caring, safe place with the support of good people and our Lord, of course! Does feel good to be able to open up, doesn't it? Can relate to much of your experience and struggles, and am so grateful for the love and grace of our Lord... for the struggle I believe is truly every day between our Lord and Satan for our attention and affections. It took me a while to accept that I'm human (as we all are) and will fall. But little by little with the choices made I've found it easier to keep solid ground and abstain.

Again, good to see you and hope to get a chance to chat sometime in chat room... as well as see you in the SOS program on Monday nights (9pm eastern time). GBU bluebird!

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