Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby flutemusic67 » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:44 pm

Hi, sis! We never have a guarantee that things aren't going to turn out bad. Circumstances can change for people too, which might lead them to act in ways they normally wouldn't.

But there are a few things you can do. First, try to meet Christian men. Maybe through church or a church singles group. Second, get to know the man fairly well before accepting a date. Third, get to know his family and friends. They may give you clues as to how he will act and treat you. Last, don't ignore the warning signs. You know what I mean....

Sometimes a guy is Prince Charming when you first start dating or even the whole time you are dating. The same Prince Charming can turn into a nightmare. They are the exception, not the rule.

There are so many wonderful, loving, caring, and nurturing Christian men out there. I pray you find one of them. You deserve it.

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