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Help quitting smoking
Ok, I know smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. I have managed with the Lord's everpresent help to stay away from crack for quite some time now ( although to be honest I think about it sometimes). And pot, well I havent smoked it in quite some time and could take it or leave it. I dont know that I was ever addicted to pot, although I have smoked it from time to time. And drinking, well, Im not much of a drinker either. By far, cigarettes is the hardest for me. I know its bad for my health and for various reasons I want to quit. I have managed to stay quit a few times for a few months at a time but then something really stressful would happen and I would start back up again. I am curious if anyone has been able to successfully quit smoking cigarettes and if u have, how have u succeeded? I try to look at it as any other drug in the past, but for some reason this has a tighter hold on me than anything. I know with God ALL things are possible and it is me that is holding me back. So Im looking for advice from people who have been there and what works for them
I have managed to quit smoking among many other addictions and it wasn't easy at all. The main way I quit was by going cold turkey time after time, eventually it stuck. Eventually when those very stressful occasions would come up where I'd go and buy a pack I'd manage to keep from starting again. Towards the end the act of trying to smoke a whole pack was suffocating and I would wise up and throw them away.
Now when I look back I don't know why I ever did it, when I was a smoker the Only time I was calm was while smoking. The rest of the day I was stressed to no end. Doesn't really make sense now that I look at it but at the time it was worth that half hour or so of peace.
Now when I look back I don't know why I ever did it, when I was a smoker the Only time I was calm was while smoking. The rest of the day I was stressed to no end. Doesn't really make sense now that I look at it but at the time it was worth that half hour or so of peace.
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