Happiness Is Possible

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Happiness Is Possible

Postby realtmg » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:49 am

Just wanted to share some thoughts.
In recovery, there are many positive virtues and moral qualities that are available for us. As we work a good program of recovery, we learn how to move forward with purpose and strength. Many of us who are in recovery are fully capable of experiencing happiness and peace of mind. Personally, when I first surrendered to all my addictions and reached out for help, I thought that it would be totally impossible for me to ever live a happy and joyous lifestyle. I believed that true happiness would be unattainable for someone like me; however, I've learned through the course of my journey that happiness, serenity, and peace of mind and spirit ARE obtainable. We do recover, and we do learn how to live a life that's full of happiness and serenity. I couldn't do it alone. I had to have the help from above. I learned to live One Day At A Time.
Before recovery, I never knew what true happiness really was. I've never experienced it because I was always living a life of insanity and self-destruction. While on my journey in recovery, I've finally learned the true meaning of happiness. A person is said to be happy if he is marked by pleasure. Happiness is a diverse virtue that encompasses many forms. When one feels lively and joyous, then he is most likely happy in some way. Peace of mind, contentment, fulfillment, gratification, tranquility, and calmness are all attributes of happiness. Happiness is sought after by many, and is a popular ultimate destination for most people. If true happiness is to be obtained, then one must believe that happiness is attainable. Happiness is possible, and it can be achieved in people's lives, and also in the lives of people who are in recovery. Even if a person has a dark and sinful past, such as mine, happiness can still be a quality of someone who is working a good program of recovery.
While we are in recovery, we are ridding ourselves of character defects, negative attitudes and beliefs, unrighteousness, impurity, grief, selfishness, false pride, fear, anger, frustration, hopelessness, and many other negative qualities that inhibit and block happiness from our lives. A great way to reach happiness is to simply work a thorough program of recovery. Remain honest, open-minded, and willing to apply the suggestions of the program. As we move forward on our journey, we are getting closer and closer to reaching happiness in our lives.
A great way to reach happiness is to achieve our goals, carry out our endeavors, and to complete a grand accomplishment. For those of us in recovery, the daily decision to remain clean and sober is a step in the right direction. When a person has reached a peak in his life, he will be more able to acquire happiness. As we seek to achieve our goals and dreams, and carry out our desire and determination to remain clean and sober, we gain experience, harmony, liveliness, and become enthusiastic of our chances to reach our final destination of true and complete happiness. We become useful to our Creator. An incredible calmness transforms us and revitalizes our inner essence. A rewarding, clean and serene existence allows us to feel exuberant and refreshed, thereby filling us with warmth and an energizing, high-spirited mindset.
While in recovery, we become more at ease with ourselves and our role in this world, and we then become more able to reach a truer state of peace and serenity. It should be our goal to believe that only the best will unfold in our search for true happiness and contentment. We should love life with our whole heart. We are all capable of generosity, kindness, and righteousness. As we employ these kind-hearted virtues, it will be more likely that happiness will be found and enjoyed. Let us all enjoy our existence, and become mesmerized and intrigued with life itself and what God has planned for us from here on out. Let us explore and discover new, breath-taking things from our lives and experiences while we are in our recovery. We are all special and talented in our own unique way, so let's embrace our uniqueness and explore unknown boundaries from within, and embark upon an extravagant journey.
Perfection shouldn't be our destination, but progress and enlightenment. Let the illumination of knowledge and wisdom rain down from the heavenly realms of the of our Lord. Expand the limitations of your potential. Step forth in hopeful expectancy. Become alert of the present, not hindered from the past, since the present is the here and now, and all that is. Let us revelry in its beauty, for today is another opportunity for us to expand our awareness. Full of life, and free from strife, let's step forth beaming with hope, and glistening from the illumination of our potential. As we become replenished with inspiration, we can confidently march forth knowing that only the best will unfold and that we are fully capable of remaining clean and sober.
With an optimistic mindset, we absolutely know that happiness is waiting and closing in. Harmony and a peaceful, serene lifestyle are waiting for us. Now it is up to us to choose the direction we are to take to arrive there. With a strong will and an enlivened spirit, let's never lose hope, and let's always believe in our capabilities and potential. It depends on our ATTITUDE and drive if our potential will be properly utilized to help us excel and reach our utmost destination. Remain honest, open-minded, and willing to apply the suggestions of the program, and you will reach happiness. Work the Steps posted here, listen to others, share with others, and never lose hope, and you will become able to live a glorious life that you never would have dreamed possible. Today, I can deal with life's problems that use to baffle me. Just by surrendering my will over to His will for me each day and learning to trust Him has given me meaning in life.
I had to change my thinking and fill my mind with His Word. I had to be willing to be transformed by Him. I am nothing without Him. I give Him all the glory in what He has done for me. All I did was give up and became willing to do what was suggested from others who had been there. God uses people to help others. He brought me to this site when I was looking for answers in life. This site and the people here have filled the void I had.
Keep seeking and it will come.
God loves you and so do I.

Luv Ya, Real. *REALSolutions*
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Postby reals_mom » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:10 pm

Very good post real. Proud of you . *AngelYellow*
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