Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Reconciling after an affair

Postby Wendy11 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:58 pm

Hello any and all who stop and read this!

I feel I have been called here to help others going through such a painful situation...Adultery.

Last year on my 4 year wedding anniversary my husband cheated on me. The affair lasted on and off for about 9 months.
I found out about it after it had been going on for about 3 months. thought it ended and then 3 months later found out it started again.

Not gunna give a bunch of details, they aren't important. What is important are the little stories mixed into the major one.
She was a co-worker aa well as a carpool buddy. They started texting each other, I warned my hubby to be catious. He was not. I thought our marriage was perfect before all was not.

In the end, my husband has come back to God and has decided our marriage was and is worth fighting for. I have read alot in the bible, and other christain based marriage books to help myself. One of my favorites thus far is "Satan, you can't have my marriage" by Iris Delgado.

The hard part was takin MY share of the responsibility of our marriage break down (not the affair).

Anyway, through all this my husband and I have just celebrated our 5 year wedding annivesary! I know we still have alot of healing but with God we are well on our way! I love my husband and praise God that he has helped us save our marriage and our children from growing up with divorsed parents!

If any of you out there need/want some help (council, bible verses to help, and prayer) please reach out. And remember ALL things are possible through Christ Jesus!!!!
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Re: Reconciling after an affair

Postby Zinnia » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:28 am

Congratulations! That is a big step that few are willing to fight for! It's not over and there will be more rough times ahead but it seems like you have the determination to work it out! My husband and I just celebrated our 35th anniversary. We have gone through very rough times but still together. If you need some encouragement, contact me. I'd love to walk you through it.

~K *Strawberry*
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Re: Reconciling after an affair

Postby Wonderfilled One » Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:05 pm

Hi Wendy,

Welcome! I am soo glad to hear that there is healing taking place in your marriage! *Clap* Yes, indeed, He can work through those who seek to mend the brokenness in their marriages, and relationships.

I am always encouraged to hear of such , and want to thank you for sharing, and for giving encouragement to those who are hurting.

May God continue to Bless you both,

Wonderfilled One
"Please, Lord, teach us to laugh again, but God, don't ever let us forget that we cried."
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Re: Reconciling after an affair

Postby Wendy11 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:54 pm

My husband is such a changed man, it is just awesome. He made me cry the other day, he got me a card that just said everything I needed to hear(never told him I needed to hear these things).

when asked why he came back, or why he satyed he always answered because this is where he SHOULD be. The other day he said whitout promting...that this is where he wants to be because he loves me and know with God's help we are forever!! Praise God!!
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Re: Reconciling after an affair

Postby deborahwarrior4god » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:21 pm

I love these praise reports. So glad to hear this Wendy! I pray God continues to move mountains for you.
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