A family torn apart

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

A family torn apart

Postby calebsmom77 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:17 pm

Sigh, not really even sure how to begin this. Just posting how I feel and hoping that it don't get me banned! :cry:
Not all that long ago, I joined this sight because I needed to have friendship and support, something that I don't have much of at home. When I first came in here, I was welcomed and accepted by all. I have a VERY hard time trusting in anyone, because I have been hurt so many times by so many people. After a while, this became my place of safety, my refuge from all the turmoil and all the emotional and verbal abuse I deal with on a daily basis at home. This place, the people in it, have become like a family to me. I have grown to really love this place! I love all the people here! I have found friendship and people who know and understand what I am going through. But now? It's like my safety net, my place of refuge has all but disappeared. Some people are at another sight, some people have stayed! :cry: I have no idea what happened that caused this, nor do I really care to know what happened. All I do know is that our family seems to have been torn apart! It makes me sad beyond words, not really mad but just really sad! This is not how it is supposed to be in the family of God! Aren't we supposed to forgive and love one another? We work together as a team to share the gospel, to share the wonderful news of God's amazing grace! We will all NEVER agree on everything, but isn't the main thing supposed to be that we love God and have accepted Jesus as the One and only One Who can save us from our sins? I just want our family to be back to the way that it used to be, the way it was when I first came in here.
Christianity Oasis: As I said earlier, I have no idea what happened to cause all the turmoil. I don't even want to know. That would be bordering on gossip. I am not taking anyone's side. I just feel so heart broken over what has happened. I just wish that things could be the way that they were, because I have always loved coming in here. I am hoping that this does not get me banned, but just needed to get this out there I guess. :cry:
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Re: A family torn apart

Postby Lani » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:24 pm

I understand your heart ache sis


Sadly, free will allows all to go as they feel led. All we can do is pray for all hearts within HIS Body to seek unity and love :)

Luv ya
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Re: A family torn apart

Postby Dora » Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:50 pm

I'm sorry you are hurting. I just wanted to give you a hug and let you know I love you! *hug*
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Re: A family torn apart

Postby driverl86 » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:48 am

*hug* I havnt been on here since I signed up. I will start signing on more often. Here for you *BigGrin*
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Re: A family torn apart

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:28 am

I saw this post before but didn't reply,
I just wanted you to know I have felt and seen the same thing, it is almost like some have dropped off the face of the earth and others do not reply like before....what has happened?
I have to admit I have not been here as much and don't want to tell why but I sink into depression and when I do I struggle with a lot of things and one of them is weather I do any good here for myself or others as well and I know without a shaddow of doubt that is satan trying to pull me away from the one thing in my life that I feel is truly of God and that IS this site I just think we need to pray and keep the door open and the light on rofl so when those that have wondered away can get back in
And while doing this remember the lost and hurting that come here just as we did needing someone to reassure them of Gods love just as some of the ones did for us and moved on (hopefully to return)
I can honestly say I miss that being lifted from the darkness of self pity and depression, but it is then I see someone else that is new here and hurting and I forget my pains to do as God would want and that is to be there for this lost or hurting soul and let them know I care and the Lord loves them as well.
So to all who read this keep the faith in God AND this site, and not to take away from the AWESOME people responsible
for creating and maintaining this wonderful site *band* but it is also the people that come here that help make this site as wonderful as it is too. *hug*
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Re: A family torn apart

Postby broken wings » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:17 pm

I am new to C.O. and this is my 1st reply. I feel so very very bad for you and all the other bro. and sis. who are going through such sad, depressing, trying times. I am going through the same thing myself. It does help to know that others are going through this with us. But even more importantly, it helps to lift each other up through our sorrowful times. The last 9 yrs. have been so painful for me as my family have betrayed me, others have deserted me. I have never ever felt so hurt and alone in my entire life. So I found this site and I so hope to meet kind, supporting, Godly people to fellowship with. I believe they are here. People come and people do go, but they leave lasting imprints of hope with us when they reach out to help those of us who have been betrayed, and abandoned after being so abused. Let's trust The Lord Jesus Christ together for healing and a return of joy and peace in our lives. Love to you in Jesus Our Lord.
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