My meetings

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

My meetings

Postby vahn » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:27 pm

So , ok , I finally get to the point of missing my meetings , or at least was reminded of them in the form of "So , what happened vahn ?" question , which sent me back to the "good old days" .

I guess I can safely call this post "My meeting inventory" , and in fact , it is !

First off , I am going to interject something off-topic . Only God could bring us to or back to God . (My opinion) We must first have to hear someone calling before we can respond to the voice , (Sheep respond to the Shepherd's voice , or even better , 'My sheep know My voice' " )

Ok , back to topic .
So it was Gary (sponsor) who scooped me up from the gutter , cleaned me up , fed me till I was strong enough to hear what he had to say , and he gave me back my God and said "Now this time , don't keep Him for yourself , go out there and share it with every single drunken soul you meet whether they be at a meeting , alley , church or palace , it is by giving that you receive and NOT the other way around ".
The next seven or eight years found me doing just that , I mean you name it , parks , dumpsters , bus stations , soup-kitchens , homeless shelters , prisons , jails , hospitals , mansions and estates , from Yale-to-Jail , from one end of this continent of ours to the other . That is the colour of my sponsorship portfolio , let alone , speaking commitments , starting new groups and lectures @ USM (University of Southern Maine) , hosting workshops at conferences , step-study , book study , wakin up at 2 or three O'clock in the morning to answer a distress call , volunteer for AA Hot-Line , Local and national Assembly you name it !! Yep , I ate , breathed and went to the bathroom with nothing but my God and AA , all the while having the fruits to show , establishing furniture repair/finish business @ 1st year , custody of my daughter the 2nd , buying my own house with 7 acres of land the 3d , opening my own art gallery the 4th , an inclosed pond and Japanese garden for my daughter the 5th (in Maine!) teaching daughter digital graphic art , and on my birthday , when she was sixteen she hands me a $28.000.00 dollar check from her own work making daddy soo proud and God so much Awesome-er !!
Then one day , Jackie decides North Carolina to be her college !! I said "Honey , I've got to talk to Gary 'bout this ." He says "You know vahn ? I've a brother there and was planning on paying him a visit and maybe even consider staying there a couple of years , .. after all , our work here is done , how about finding us some wetland see if we can dry that one up ! " .... "But , .. but ..."

So , daughter's registered in UNC , yet another house , only this time Mr. know-it-all decides to go back to Maine , two days later , he's daughterless , homeless , and a couple of months later he is also sponsorless , poof ! right off the face of the earth !! NOTHING LEFT BUT THE OASIS AND GOD I was being fed by all of you here on a daily basis !!!

I have recuperated , stood back up and fought my battles , almost gave up , you nursed me again till I was strong enough to stand and continue to fight , two days ago I had my strongest spiritual warfare ever (planning on posting that in the appropriate forum) which left me physically and mentally drained , all this while my ever trusted COOLies had been right behind me .

Last month marked my 11th year without a drink or a drug .

But still , sorry to say , I miss my meetings , I miss my GOD !!!

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:49 pm


One thing you have taught me... keep moving forward. Dont go back into the would of could of what if this what if that. All these things have happened for a reason that is unknown to us. Next thing after inventory is to go to God for a solution, right? What is the next step?

So u cant find a meeting that you like, that you dont feel at home. So maybe it is His calling for you to start your own. The way God would have you do it. Seek and you shall find, right? Time to go knocking on some doors bud. Do what you do best, i will be here to support you all of the way.

I love you, very much.

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Postby morningrain » Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:15 am

Vahn just want you to know you're a huge inspiration to so many around here. :)

God Bless you Vahn
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Postby realtmg » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:00 am

AMEN Angeltears!
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Postby deetu » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:30 am


I'm glad to know you too vahn. You know, God makes us all different and I could never go to the streets like you do... but then, I'm not suppose to. Knowing there are people like you make it easier for people like me to not feel guilty about how God uses us.
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Postby mlg » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:07 am

Vahn...when we get to missing our God...we have placed a void somewhere between Him and us....whether it be sin...or just being too busy...etc....and we need to sit back and make time for Him. Remove the sin...and cut back on the "busy"ness...then sit at His feet and soak up some "Son"shine...

Vahn you are a vessel for Christ and He needs you in His army. But He also needs you whole in the battle not half injured. Time to seek Thy Great Physician who can heal you and make you whole again.

Praying for you.

luv ya
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