I'm so tired of the flashbacks

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I'm so tired of the flashbacks

Postby chelle585 » Sun May 30, 2010 9:36 pm

Ok, I just couldnt take it any more friday when i started have body memories on top of a week of flashbacks. I broke down and took all my blood pressure meds, hoping to just bottom out.

I just cannot stand one more night of watching the little girl being raped again.

My therapist gave me a worksheet of what to do when after i have a flashback, but then it's too late, i wanna know how to stop em in the first place!!!
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Postby mlg » Sun May 30, 2010 9:58 pm

chelle *hug* the enemy uses the flashbacks of the past to try and get us to fall deep into his darkness...they may not go away sis...but what you can do is learn to not let them hurt you and affect you...and that comes by recognizing them for what they are...an attack by the enemy...and then using what weapon you have at your disposal to send him packing...the sword of Truth.

Praying for you.

luv ya
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun May 30, 2010 10:12 pm

Chelle *hug5* GBU sis.

I used to suffer from nightmares, where i would wake up screaming and fall outta bed. I dunno if it is the same for everyone else, but would like to share my experience that it may give you hope. I haven't had nightmares in quite awhile, tho not too many months ago i would almost fall asleep and then hear noises like someone coming after me. When that happened i ran here sometimes as late as like 3am and found comfort cuz someone was online at the time even at such a late hour. THe nightmares have dramatically decreased. God took em away, i think it was only when i was able to forgive myself as well as abuser that God took em away, I feel so much freer than i used to in the past. I know we are all different in how we heal and how long it takes to heal, but one thing i am confident of and that is God HEALS.. i just had to let go and let Him.

GBU and i will be keep u in prayers
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Postby Tam » Mon May 31, 2010 7:28 am

Hi chelle
Yes sister I understand how devastating the flashbacks can be. It is like it is happening all over again. But you can win this battle.
Something that I learned to do was keep calling out to Jesus and then once it was over I immediately ask Jesus to heal what needed healing and to take that memory away. I also learned that if I could find someone during the flashback that would help keep me grounded ...that would help . I have a very dear friend that somehow knows when I am having on that will pray so that I can hear it or quote scripture or just remiund me that God has me and that seemed to help.
You have to make yourself go to a safe place during this. Tell them that they can not hurt you anymore.
You will get through this sis. Keep hanging in there.
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Postby momof3 » Mon May 31, 2010 9:07 am

Hi Chelle *hug*

you may also find that the dreams are coming from unresolved issues you have over the abuse. Taking each one to the Lord in prayer...forgiving those involved, including any role you think you served in the abuse (most blame themselves in some way) will also help with the nightmares. Dreams and nightmares are from the subconscious mind...the deeper part of our spirit that hears all the emotions how and we react to each one, for the most part. Once these things are taken out of that deeper memory, placed at the foot of the cross, exposed, and dealt with through the Lord's healing, they will not hold the same power over you....and will happen less and less...like the weeds being pulled.

have you gone through the councelling or the quest for blessed rest from incest studies? Ive not gone back through to see if you have, but sis, if you havent, give them a try..if you have, it might be that you need to let the Lord Jesus renew His truths in your soul and spirit. The key is replacing these horrors with God's truth and healing. Its there. You arent alone.

Im praying for you, chelle, as so many are. God bless you and again, know that you arent alone in this.

in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Postby Dora » Mon May 31, 2010 2:55 pm

Keep praying and asking for healing chelle. Relief will come.

Love you and praying for you. *hug*
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