Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: Ella's Call
Yesterday was a big argument between me and my boyfriend. He was upset because I don't let him be there for me. He says it's not fair that I can be there when he has a bad day, but I hide mine. He mentioned that it's lying to bottle everything up and always be fine. He says it's hard to pray for someone when you don't know what's going on and when they get mad for no reason over something silly. I still can't believe how we've stayed together I can be such a meanie
and he likes to deal with everything while I'd rather keep our problems buried. I guess I should listen to him in this case. Even though it hurts to hear about how I'm lying he is this case :D I mentioned God's Grace to him and the storms calmed and we did have a nice talk after that!
Today I got to hear the story of Job and wow that is a powerful TRUTH. I am not owed anything and everything from the womb to the grave is a gift from God! That is incredible. My family, house, the money I make, the friends, my healthy body, and my mind are all gifts. Jesus and God's Grace are not the only gifts but they are the biggest. There's gifts of joy and laughter. There are gifts of love and kindness. Even the moon and stars of the night are a gift. The beauty of this world is a gift. The wonderfulness of a cozy fire and the softness of a down blanket. All gifts for us to delight in
and share.
Glory to our wonderful God and may He help me have a Job spiritual mindset!! Please help me view everything with a spiritual mindset and please help me read the Bible with new awareness!
In Jesus name I pray amen!

Today I got to hear the story of Job and wow that is a powerful TRUTH. I am not owed anything and everything from the womb to the grave is a gift from God! That is incredible. My family, house, the money I make, the friends, my healthy body, and my mind are all gifts. Jesus and God's Grace are not the only gifts but they are the biggest. There's gifts of joy and laughter. There are gifts of love and kindness. Even the moon and stars of the night are a gift. The beauty of this world is a gift. The wonderfulness of a cozy fire and the softness of a down blanket. All gifts for us to delight in

Glory to our wonderful God and may He help me have a Job spiritual mindset!! Please help me view everything with a spiritual mindset and please help me read the Bible with new awareness!
In Jesus name I pray amen!
EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Ella's Call
Thanks Real!
I gotta admit I haven't actually read Job. I've only ever did the Bible sparknotes kinda thing. I went back and read it yesterday in my Bible and it was very encouraging to read! :D
I gotta admit I haven't actually read Job. I've only ever did the Bible sparknotes kinda thing. I went back and read it yesterday in my Bible and it was very encouraging to read! :D
EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Ella's Call
I can't understand how I can help another member of the body, but I'll see what I can do. I can pray and offer encouragement as well as give some much needed love. Today's lesson was on the body of Christ and since I don't have many people in my own "real" life I'll help a few people on here anyway I can.
EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Ella's Call
So today was about keeping track of sheep. I have so many prayers I need to keep track of that this system of writing down things is very smart and efficient. I'll definitely need to incorporate it now and use it when I need it. I talked to my good friend yesterday and asked if she needed any prayer and she has so many health issues going on I completely had forgotten so it was good that I asked and created unity 

EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Ella's Call
Hi EllaMay,
Matthew 22:14 Many are called but few are chosen.
God calls the whole world to Salvation. He does not desire that any should perish. But not everybody responds to the "call". So in that sense, everyone is called to receive Forgiveness of sin, and Salvation through Jesus and His death on the Cross - but few respond.
Matthew 22:14 Many are called but few are chosen.
God calls the whole world to Salvation. He does not desire that any should perish. But not everybody responds to the "call". So in that sense, everyone is called to receive Forgiveness of sin, and Salvation through Jesus and His death on the Cross - but few respond.
JulieAnn - Posts: 33
- Location: Midwest
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Ella's Call
JulieAnn Thank You!
I had even forgotten about this question. Thank you for the answer it was perfect timing!
Much love,
I had even forgotten about this question. Thank you for the answer it was perfect timing!
Much love,
EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
Re: Ella's Call
Oh my I'm not the best teacher already I'm behind on my sheepy charts! It is so helpful and I really need to get to it. I'll continue to roam the cccc forum and also start the Spirit of Truth study at some point. We'll see! I guess for anybody still reading this I'd love some prayer for the future. It looks like wedding bells are in my future and that's a bit scary and exciting! Keep in touch and I'll mosey on over to the Spirit of Truth program too. 
Love and blessings to everyone in Christ Jesus' beautiful holy name!

Love and blessings to everyone in Christ Jesus' beautiful holy name!

EllaMay - Posts: 58
- Location: Colorado
- Marital Status: In A Relationship
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