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The promises My heart made to god
These are The promises i made to god out of love for him,I feel I have been called by god to fulfill these promises because god knew i would answer the call. I am not yet fully prepared to do them yet but i will be. I Told God I wanted to be a sheperd to collect and protect his Flock until Jesus the true sheperd returns, out of that flock i would make more sheperds and they will also gather and collect his lost sheep and make sheperds out of them and this cycle would continue until the true sheperd returns. I Told god i wanted to be a beacon of light unto a world of darkness, I said i was going to one day live as jesus lived, without a penny to my name going around everywhere healing the sick and the weak in his name and for his glory preaching with power and spirit. I said I would even do miracles if need be but only If i was told directly from god to do so, because sometimes people need to see a miracle to beleive. I want to be known as a knight of christ, and I look forward to when I kneel down before him out of honor and respect Just as a commanding knight kneels down before a king and i will say to Jesus ( My king what is it you ask of me? what shall I do for you? I live to serve. I do not know if his responce will be Go! make more followers and save my lost sheep or if he will say You have done so well my faithful servant, You have brought me great honor and glory, you chose to love and serve me when others would not. You may finally rest and be with me forever. I do not seek an ordinary relationship with the lord, I want to have a very deep and powerful level of love and trust for him. For me to be someone whome he can trust for all things. I realize to many people even christians these desires are seemingly impossible and will be very hard to obtain and keep. But to me this isn't hard or impossible, I see it as a great honor to even beleive for one second that god has entrusted me with such great responsibilities. These promises to god are my greatest treasures and i have every intention to keep them
Blain - Posts: 13
- Location: oklahoma
- Marital Status: Single
Re: The promises My heart made to god
I'm encouraged by your obedience to Christ. I'm looking forward to hearing more about what God is doing in your life.
itsjanet - Posts: 80
- Location: california
- Marital Status: Married
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