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Postby Christianity Oasis » Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:16 am

The Rapture is a very interesting and important topic for Christians, potential Christians and for those who do not believe.

Most have read about and even seen the movies about this event.

Please share what you imagine the Rapture will be like ... For those taken and for those who remain.

Please consider the babes on milk who may be reading along as you share for they may have not even heard of the word ... Rapture.
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Re: Rapture

Postby notforgotten » Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:37 am

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Re: Rapture

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:52 pm

Hello Oasis :)

God bless you this day.

Even though the word "Rapture" isn't in the Bible, it is a word that Christians have adopted to call the event that will take place during the End Times and Christians escape the tribulations and are taken to Heaven.

I think for Believers it will be an awesome event. To suddenly be in Heaven, which by all accounts is almost too beautiful for words, and then to see Jesus, and the angels, and our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the sounds and the aromas. WOW! Glory!!!

As far as for those that remain on the earth, I imagine it will be a time of chaos, confusion, shock and great fear. Most will not understand what has taken place. And to see all those dead bodies of their friends, family and strangers lying everywhere, will be quite unsettling. Those that are raptured don't take their old bodies with them. They are changed in an instant -- taking off mortal and putting on immortal. Therefore, their mortal bodies will lay dead. The Antichrist and his false prophet will be quick to offer up lies to explain away what took place.

For those interested in reading about the Rapture and not sure where to begin, here is a link to a study that I believe will answer a few of your questions:

God bless and keep you.
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