Understanding Christ in You

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding Christ in You

Postby saint701 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:40 pm


Hello All,


Good afternoon St. Louis. We pray all is well with you this day.

We stopped to chat with a young professional some ten days ago. We learned that he had been raised a Christian in the Clayton Presbyterian Church and that he had been baptized there. We learned that he attended Webster Groves High School and that he recently graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in accounting and that he is now a C.P.A.. He told us that his name is Andy C. and that he still lives in Webster Groves and now works for a large accounting firm in the St. Louis area. We asked him a few direct questions about Christianity.

We asked him if he knew what is meant by Christ in you the hope of glory. We watched him as he searched his memory. "No," he said, "I don't believe I do." We asked him if he could describe the difference between soul and spirit. Looking more perplexed, he said, "No, I really don't." We asked him if he would like to learn about things like that. He said that he really would. Then we asked him if he would mind if we sent him some of our articles for him to read. He said that he would really like that too. He also gave us permission to describe him as an example of a typical young professional raised in a church without understanding the things of God. He said yes to that as well.

Such is the problem with many Catholics and Protestants today whether we are willing to admit it or not. We really just do not understand that which we profess to believe because we have not experienced the presence of the Spiritual Life of God within us. For the most part, however, it isn't our fault, it is the fault of he or she that has been our church leader.

Such has to stop, NOW! Christian leaders, you are no different than young Andy. If you had Christ within you then you would have the ability to bring understanding to the minds of those in need and over time lead them on into Christ being in them as well. The time is short and the need for understanding great. Quit ministering sermons prefaced by I think. If you don't think, you know, I don't think you know either. Get Christ within you and begin ministering sermons Christ within has given you an understanding of. When Christ is within you, you will preface your sermons with I know. Feed your sheep the gospel and protect your flock with the knowledge and understanding that comes from Christ within our hope of glory. ALL on the Earth will be tried soon. So you think Phuket, Fukishima and Joplin were a nightmare? You ain't seen nothin' yet!!

Ok. How do we know that Christ is in us? He is a distinct and separate intelligence from that of our soul. When Paul said we have the mind of Christ. He meant we have the mind of Christ. His intellect within us operates in all the ways the New Testament describes to us that He operates within us. Our relationship with Christ within is one of cooperation. Said cooperation is learned by our (self) soul. We learn the various processes of His leading over time as we understand and experience the vast superiority of Christ within over the old man Adam without (the mind of our flesh).

One famous Son of God given to us as a gift from God taught that by and large our Lord Jesus would lead us by His inner witness. Well, what are some examples of that inner witness? In our case such began with us crying out, "DADDY" as the Spirit bore witness with our spirit that we had become a child of God. Next Christ within became an urge. We were urged to pour our whiskey down the sink and flush our marijuana down the toilet. Later we experienced a distinct negative feeling that our decision to spend our two weeks of Naval Reserve duty in San Diego as not His will. On down the road we were stopped at a Wal-Mart check out counter from purchasing a 3 in 1 computer printer, the cost of which was $300.00. The next day our car broke down and the cost of repair was $300.00. Then Christ within began to communicate with us verbally. Christ within established a love relationship with us first verbally and later experiencially. (He walks with us and talks with us and tells us that we are His own). Subsequently Christ within opened the eyes of our understanding so that we could literally see and understand His Word through His Mind.


From that day until this we have written explanations of those things Christ within has shown us and published them around the world. Many of the understandings have come to us as we meditated in the evening, and many have come at the moment we opened our eyes in the morning, or shortly thereafter as we turned ourselves (soul) toward His Spirit which lives within our spirit as Christ within. Today we look to Christ within to lead us in our every endeavor, whether it be praying, writing, commenting, counseling, teaching, cooking, eating, drinking, cleaning, relaxing, or coming and going.

We have learned that Christ within has feelings. We know when we have made Him happy, and we know when we have made Him sad. We ask Christ within what we need to do to correct our error and make Him happy again and He shows us immediately. We understand that the salvation of (soul) self is entirely dependent upon our obedience to Christ within, our hope of glory. Such is so because relying on Him to direct us makes our actions His actions. Paul said it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me.

Christ within is our hope of glory because He is changing our soul to be as His own in right doing. Continuance in cooperation with Him solidifies our relationship with God our Father as His Sons in Christ Jesus. As the Apostle John said, "when we shall see Him as He is we shall be like Him."

This is not knosticism, it is you better darn well get your Christian leadership act together in a hurryism, or suffer the loss of many Andys through your pride filled ignorance. So you feel sad and hurt by what I've penned here??? Well you old fleshly thing you get out of that old man Adam and into the new man Christ.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Without Him you can do nothing and it sure shows in those you've raised in your congregation. Jesus Christ by His Spirit in us all is our hope of glory.

Next, discerning between our soul and the Spirit of God.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint


Our Hope of Glory



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By Dennis Cook
St. Louis Spirituality Examiner
Mr. C., (Dennis R. Cook), has been interested in that which is spiritual since his baptism at age 10. Father of five, world traveler, educator,...


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