How to stand before God without fear

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

How to stand before God without fear

Postby saint701 » Sat May 28, 2011 7:35 pm

Hello All,


How to stand in the presence of God without fear

We pray that this Memorial Day weekend is safe and enjoyable for you all. And we will do our part to encourage all to remember the greatest Soldier of all time, Jesus Christ our Lord. For He it was that won for us a Kingdom by His death, as those of ours overseas now and in past times fought for us to preserve our liberty here in America. To all our wonderful veterans, we thank God for your service to us. After all, if not for your valiant and courageous endeavors where would this country be now? Who would be governing us? Japan? Germany? Italy? Russia? We cannot say. All we can say is thank you for preserving our liberty.
Our topic today is entitled, "How to stand in the presence of God without fear." We asked a neighbor of ours, David Thrasher of Webster Groves, how he felt about his personal ability to stand in the presence of God just as he is today in his spiritual life without fear? His answer was short and to the point. "That ain't possible," he said. We didn't belabor the point. We are all entitled to our opinion whether it agrees with the Word of God or not.
We are all entitled to say no to any open door to the Kingdom of Heaven God has given us. Unfortunately we have observed that all too often we close those doors to Heaven faster than our Lord can open them for us. Small wonder our country is in the sad shape it is today. Why are we so afraid of faith? Review the Book of Hebrews. Focus on the positive things that are possible when we believe in God.
If we feed our faith by reading and studying all of the marvelous things the Bible tells us we may appropriate by exercising it, our faith will grow. If we use what little faith we have we will get more. Soon our trickle of faith will become a well, our well will become a stream, and our stream will become a river.
For many years it was difficult for us to see ourselves in Christ Jesus properly. We heard and read of ministers of the gospel that taught when God Almighty looked upon us He could not see our sinful selves, just Jesus Christ our Lord. We were not able to see how such could be because we were sadly lacking in faith to "see so." We had quite a few "we can't see so-s" back then. Our faith was sadly lacking. Even though in much of the New Testament Epistles we read that we should be able to see beyond our sinful selves to the glory of God that has been given us, we must grow into that kind of faith. It takes time.
Many people downplay the faith aspect in their Christian walk, non-Christian walk, agnostic or atheistic walk because to them seeing is believing. "Pfft…can't see it, don't believe it," they say, and they are absolutely correct in saying so, although not as we have led you to think.
Now we hear some out there reading this saying, “Them’s fightin’ words! Paul said faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. So how can anyone say of faith that seeing is believing?”
Such is a great challenge to our faith. We have heard ministers write and say that when our God looks upon us He only sees His Son Jesus. How can this be so? It is so because the veil of the Jewish temple that separated us from fellowship with God was torn from the top to bottom at the death of Jesus. Paul tells us that said veil represented that which separated us from God from the day Adam sinned. He tells us it represented the veil of our sinful flesh.
Our sinful flesh had to be dealt with before we could be reunited and have fellowship with a Holy and Just God. Christ’s death for us, the killing of His sinless body to pay our unpayable debt, removed that which separated us from God, the veil of our sinful flesh. That veil of our sinful flesh was killed in Christ.
Such is the beginning of our “seeing of faith.” We see our sinful flesh dead in Christ. We look at Him there on the cross and see ourselves in Him. Not only is He dying, but we are also dying in Him. Now He has died and we have died in Him. And just as much as we “see” that we have died in Him, we must also see that when He was raised from the dead, and declared to be God’s first born Son from the dead with power, we were made alive in Him as well. He was the first of a new species of man born of God, God’s first born Son from the dead. If we see that we died in Him, we should also be able to “see” that we were also raised up in Him,
If we are able to see that we were in Him and made alive in Him at His resurrection, then surely we should be able to see we were in Him at His glorification. And if we were in Him at His glorification, then we were also in Him when He poured out His sinless blood to make atonement for our sin once and for all.
Therefore, if we are able to see ourselves in Christ our Lord standing before God our Father, we have peace with Him and…, seeing is believing! Hi Dad! We love you so very, very much!!
How to stand in the presence of God without fear
Good afternoon St. Louis,
We pray that this Memorial Day weekend is safe and enjoyable for you all. And we here at the Examiner will do our part to encourage all to remember the greatest Christian Soldier of all time, Jesus Christ our Lord. For He it was that won for us a Kingdom by His death, as those of ours overseas now and in past times fought for us to preserve our liberty here in America. To all our wonderful veterans, we thank God for your service to us. After all, if not for your valiant and courageous endeavors where would this country be now? Who would be governing us? Japan? Germany? Italy? Russia? We cannot say. All we can say is thank you for preserving our liberty.
Our topic today is entitled, "How to stand in the presence of God without fear." We asked a neighbor of ours, David Thrasher of Webster Groves, how he felt about his personal ability to stand in the presence of God just as he is today in his spiritual life without fear? His answer was short and to the point. "That ain't possible," he said. We didn't belabor the point. We are all entitled to our opinion whether it agrees with the Word of God or not.
We are all entitled to say no to any open door to the Kingdom of Heaven God has given us. Unfortunately we have observed that all too often we close those doors to Heaven faster than our Lord can open them for us. Small wonder our country is in the sad shape it is today. Why are we so afraid of faith? Review the Book of Hebrews. Focus on the positive things that are possible when we believe in God.
If we feed our faith by reading and studying all of the marvelous things the Bible tells us we may appropriate by exercising it, our faith will grow. If we use what little faith we have we will get more. Soon our trickle of faith will become a well, our well will become a stream, and our stream will become a river.
For many years it was difficult for us to see ourselves in Christ Jesus properly. We heard and read of ministers of the gospel that taught when God Almighty looked upon us He could not see our sinful selves, just Jesus Christ our Lord. We were not able to see how such could be because we were sadly lacking in faith to "see so." We had quite a few "we can't see so-s" back then. Our faith was sadly lacking. Even though in much of the New Testament Epistles we read that we should be able to see beyond our sinful selves to the glory of God that has been given us, we must grow into that kind of faith. It takes time.
Many people downplay the faith aspect in their Christian walk, non-Christian walk, agnostic or atheistic walk because to them seeing is believing. "Pfft…can't see it, don't believe it," they say, and they are absolutely correct in saying so, although not as we have led you to think.
Now we hear some out there reading this saying, “Them’s fightin’ words! Paul said faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. So how can anyone say of faith that seeing is believing?”
Such is a great challenge to our faith. We have heard ministers write and say that when our God looks upon us He only sees His Son Jesus. How can this be so? It is so because the veil of the Jewish temple that separated us from fellowship with God was torn from the top to bottom at the death of Jesus. Paul tells us that said veil represented that which separated us from God from the day Adam sinned. He tells us it represented the veil of our sinful flesh.
Our sinful flesh had to be dealt with before we could be reunited and have fellowship with a Holy and Just God. Christ’s death for us, the killing of His sinless body to pay our unpayable debt, removed that which separated us from God, the veil of our sinful flesh. That veil of our sinful flesh was killed in Christ.
Such is the beginning of our “seeing of faith.” We see our sinful flesh dead in Christ. We look at Him there on the cross and see ourselves in Him. Not only is He dying, but we are also dying in Him. Now He has died and we have died in Him. And just as much as we “see” that we have died in Him, we must also see that when He was raised from the dead, and declared to be God’s first born Son from the dead with power, we were made alive in Him as well. He was the first of a new species of man born of God, God’s first born Son from the dead. If we see that we died in Him, we should also be able to “see” that we were also raised up in Him,
If we are able to see that we were in Him and made alive in Him at His resurrection, then surely we should be able to see we were in Him at His glorification. And if we were in Him at His glorification, then we were also in Him when He poured out His sinless blood to make atonement for our sin once and for all.
Therefore, if we are able to see ourselves in Christ our Lord standing before God our Father, we have peace with Him and…, seeing is believing! Hi Dad!
1. [27] For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint701
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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