Understanding How to be Made Alive in Christ Jesus

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding How to be Made Alive in Christ Jesus

Postby saint701 » Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:05 pm

Hello All,

*hug* *Pray*
Blessings in our Lord who is The Word of God, and glory and honor and power be crowned upon every head of every creature that overcomes by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Thanks and glory and honor and power be given to God our Father, the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to our Savior in whom we live by the life that is in His Blood, being made partakers of His Living Spirit through the abundance of His grace, having been made in Him to lay hold on Eternal Life through faith, declaring the things of our humanity slain by the cross and our new bodies made glorious in the resurrection soon to come.

Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, our family name on Earth and in Heaven. Let us rejoice in His name and give Him glory for the great abundance of grace that He has shown us by causing us to share in His Everlasting Love and the Love of His Father, which is to us that believe, eternal life.

I've been off this column for some time being held back by the Lord because of the latest constraints imposed upon us by The Examiner. When we accepted the postion of being the St. Louis Spirituality Examiner we were given complete freedom to enlighten our readers about what true Christian Spirituality is and what it is not. We were not demeaned by the constraints of modern journalism, and enjoyed our work here immensely because those things we shared with you in this column came directly from the Spirit of God. We had no need to seek out the opinions of others about a spiritual topic because having been made the expert by the grace of God through His Holy Spirit, opinions solicited by interview were made moot. Notwithstanding, we have and still do welcome debate from our readers for the purpose Paul established with Timothy, which was,

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Such is called revelation. All scripture is God breathed. And a correct understanding of God's Words comes from He who gave them directly to His people, His Holy Spirit. In writing this article we searched for an individual professing to be a charismatic Christian to satisfy the journalistic purity now demanded of us. We found one in the person of a gentleman from Webster Groves by the name of David Thrasher. Our purpose was to establish it in the minds of our readers that many here in St. Louis understand what it means to be taught directly by the Spirit of God. Most Charismatics understand the significance of such although many do not walk in it, as is the same with many Pentecostals. We asked him what he had to say about those of us alive today that receive our teaching, understanding, wisdom and knowledge of the Word of God directly from the Spirit of the Living God HIMSELF.
"A Rhema is a powerful thing," he said. "And walking in continual Rhema is a step up from the previous generation." "It is the bedrock of true Christianity, the way it was in the time of the Apostles." He continued on to say that he had received some direct teaching from God, but longed for much more.
Now the Spirit of the Lord has moved upon us this morning to enlighten our readers as to the way of life through baptism; to rebuke all those that have perverted it, and to declare to those whose social agenda is the genocide of the righteous, those true believers in our Lord Jesus that have the witness of His life within them, that most assuredly a curse has come upon them that have already committed the murder of God's elect in their hearts, and should they not repent of this in the short time left, and call upon the name of the Lord, they shall be damned with greater damnation than all other unbelievers that do not have this root of evil in them.
First we will inform you of the why and the how of proper water baptism. Babies have no sin imputed to them, as they have no ability to make decisions for themselves. Their souls are clean as their consciences have not been defiled by sin. They are considered holy without the baptism of sprinkling, and should they die they are whisked away into Heaven by the Holy Angels that continually guard them and recreated by them in the beauty and likeness of the heavenly creature.
Notwithstanding, babies are born into the family of Adam, and as Adam chose death by his own volition, choosing also to die unto God and be wed to sin, we must choose to die unto Adam and be wed to life. And seeing that babies are already Holy by the righteousness of God, there is left a baptism by immersion in water for all men and women, as should one desire to be saved as a child, whether child or adult, the will must be exercised to choose Jesus as his life, a rejection of his life in Adam, and a confession made unto salvation which is the gift of God through Christ Jesus. One's immersion in water is an act of faith where one understands that as Christ died for us and took upon himself our sins, and became our representative in hell, also our death in Him, the fullness of our penalty being satisfied, He rose as God's first born Son from the dead with us alive in Him, being made dead to the sins of Adam, the just for the unjust, and raised a new man dead to Adam and alive to God, that so also our resurrection from the water would declare our rising from our deadness in Adam, and our being made a new living man in Christ, a living child of God. Therefore, it is by water baptism, and that the immersion in water, that our way into life begins.

Foolish religious rituals, the vain imaginings of foolish men such as the sprinkling of water...these things do not make void the wisdom and justness of God. For He it is that demands a conscious decision of the soul, a confession unto salvation, and an immersion in water as our death to the old man of Adam's sin; our resurrection from the water a declaration of our resurrection in Christ and our being made alive by the quickening power of His Holy Spirit. We are of the earth no more, made new creations and part of a new species of man; made in the likeness of God's first born Son from the dead, our new status being no longer that of the offspring of man, but recreated in the righteousness and true holiness of God that we might become the sons of God through our continuance in the faith of Him that purchased us with His own blood.
Christianity is not a religion! It is the story of a Holy God and His Holy Family, the story of His Holy Offspring made alive to God the Father in the Life of His First Born Son who is Jesus Christ our Lord!

As to the left wing's social agenda which substitutes lies for truth, creating stories out of their own wicked imaginations for the purpose of gaining the power of choice over all men, such simply declares how great the darkness is within them, and the great depths of sin into which they have fallen. These are the corrupt of Babylon, the followers of Nimrod, that type of the son of perdition, the antichrist to come, that would speak of one language, and build themselves a tower into heaven. They understand that in order for them to reign over all the Earth they must destroy the righteous, and will take great pleasure in doing so.

"And it shall come to pass in those days," sayeth the Lord, "That as they seek the destruction of all that believe in me, even all of those in whom I dwell, that my fury shall come up before me as the storms that have ravaged the lands, and I shall put a stop to their iniquity, and my hand shall cover all those that are mine, and protect them as in the former days, and I shall cleanse the earth with the blood of the wicked, and I shall raise them up no more."

Only those that shall continue in the Lord Jesus Christ until the end shall be saved.

Love you much all of Christianity Oasis, In Him, Mr. C.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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