Understanding that the Kingdom of God Resides in Us

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding that the Kingdom of God Resides in Us

Postby saint701 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:04 pm

Hello All,


The Kingdom of God is within

For quite a number of years much of the Apostle John’s writings, particularly his epistles, were vague sayings I noticed many ministers avoided teaching about. Lacking any ongoing love of God actions in my life, I would read John’s teachings about love and loving one another without much understanding. The commandment of God is love John would say, and I would answer, but I don’t see anyone doing that as it is intended, (wasn’t around Mennonites or Quakers), in fact, I had friends that were quite unsaved that treated me better than those that went to church regularly. And as far as me keeping the commandment of love, even though I confessed my love suffers long, is kind, etc, pfft; what scripture said I was supposed to be did not match what I was.
For whatever reason, shortly after I was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit I felt that somehow I was supposed to be like the Apostles and walk on down that road healing everyone as I went like it was a piece of cake. What a numb skull I was back then! After an evening teaching one night a friend came up to me and said Dennis, you need to let go and let God. Again, pfft. Even though I had the spiritual light within, I wasn’t tapping into it; in fact I was doing just the opposite, using every ounce of my soul to move my flesh to victory in Jesus. Again, pfft. What a waste!
I would read Luke 17:21 and ask myself the question, well, where are you Kingdom of God within me? I didn’t get answers because I wouldn’t sit still long enough to hear one. I did have some tiny successes now and then. One year I trusted my inner man to bring to my remembrance the answers to questions on a graduate school exam, but that still wasn’t like really connecting with the Holy Spirit inside on a continual basis. He made intercession for me uttering those unutterable sounds, and filled my heart with warmth to comfort me now and then. The Kingdom of God was in there but I just didn’t get it. He taught me some things, but I wasn’t able to advance far because of all the self will that held me back…sort of. As I reflect back upon everything I’ve been through since 1979, I realize my short comings were not as much failures on my part as they were God holding me back. He had a time for me to begin the ministry He had planned for me, and all my stumbling, bumbling, wandering around dazed, perplexed and befuddled, (the last of my meanderings the worst of all), just helped me become prepared to walk after and be led by the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God within. Such was His process of breaking my self-will. One’s self will should be compared to the outer shell or covering of a seed. In our case the seed inside of us is The Word of God. The spirit made of the Word of God within us will not break its outer covering, (the shell of the soul’s self will), until it understands allowing the soul to move in the flesh unchecked is keeping the soul from spiritual life. Once the Word of God planted inside of us decides to die to itself, that is, no longer be willing to allow our soul to run amuck, (Our soul is our spirit’s self), it breaks through the shell of our self will, (dies to itself, which is our soul), and grabs hold of our soul and abides in it so that our true spiritual life in Christ Jesus may begin, we can’t sin, and we bear much fruit.
So now having lived through the process of being changed into a spiritual man, I have gained understanding about one of the scriptures in 1 John that in times past left me perplexed.
The first scripture in 1 John that I often stumbled over was, 1 John 3:9.
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. Not sinning really wasn’t a huge part of my walk with God. But He allowed me some space to show forth the greatness of His grace and power. My favorite expositor of the Bible, D. M. Lloyd Jones, would often say in his writings that the grace of God is stronger than sin. I am thoroughly convinced of that now.
1John 5:10 is another scripture that puzzled me. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself. Again, the witness in myself did not quite line up with the Word of God. Yes, the Holy Spirit was in my heart, and at times moved me to speak in tongues, prophecy and sing the high praises of our spirit to our Lord, all part of our spirit moving our soul to move our physical body into action, but such was all in part instead of part in all. I continued to be flustered because I kept believing it was somehow my job to make things line up with the best of the Word of God, which is love. I just couldn’t do it! And it bothered the heck out of me! But I was stumbling over 1 Cor. 13, particularly the last few verses, without understanding what Paul was really saying. “Hey kid! The love you desire will become a part of your life when you meet your Heavenly Dad. When you experience His presence you will be well on your way to spiritual manhood. This will happen in the here and now, not in the by and by. Keep expecting, but be patient!

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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